[b]Mizu[/b] Mizu cackled with greed as the mysterious Pokemon disappeared from the dungeon. Next stop, Quake Path. [hr] [b]Mizu[/b] [b]Quake Path[/b] Mizu strolled into Quake Path as he cracked his neck to loosen himself up. He couldn't wait to mess up these dungeon explorers. His mind wandered to his old clan but he stopped himself quickly. [color=lightcoral]"So... I don't think she told me where exactly my back up was. Crap."[/color] He muttered to himself as he looked around. He began grabbing for his backpack, and his food, but decided to hold off on eating for now. If hoarding gold and treasure had taught him one thing, it was that it was important to only use resources when you have to. He needed to ration wisely or he could starve in a Mystery Dungeon. Mizu continued walking when he saw a group of explorers. Most likely his targets. He decided to shadow them while he waited for the rest of his "team".