Dimitri beamed as two of his fellow passengers made note of his ability, and would have been happy to explain it to them were it not for the bus' arrival to it's destination. He pulled the bar that secured him off once the safety latch was released and quickly gathered his things, "[color=8882be]I'll explain when I get the chance. If this year is anything like the last, then we'll have the opportunity to show what we're capable of during or after the assembly.[/color]". Dimitri shuffled his way off of the bus and broke into a light jog to reach the gymnasium, stopping briefly to break away the metal that he'd coated his hands in into a nearby trash can. Dimitri moved through the crowds of people that made their way towards the gym, occasionally pausing long enough to greet a friend, offer a cookie, or give directions to the newcomers. Eventually Dimitri made it into the gym and took a seat a bit closer to the top of the bleachers in order to get a good at people as they filed in.