Hey, to be fair, I was actually in the middle of making a CS for this RP, but got into reading it. That being said, I'd actually like to point out that I found this little gem while looking for the source: [img]https://i.gyazo.com/772c77b8f581d78df18e0460c29e446f.png[/img] . . which if we go to "wallpaperup.com", we'll quickly see that it's a wallpaper site. Which I've never actually heard of someone uploading their art outside of say, dA, Tumblr or Mibba. That being said, I'm 90% sure the art is most definitely stolen, but I cannot mostly definitely prove it nor does it matter to me enough to try and prove it. Though, should you wish to relaunch this RP, I wish you luck nonetheless.