Cecil didn’t know where the memories had gone but it didn’t happen that long ago for him to forget it ever happened, nor had he done much in his short life to blow it off as nothing. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was supposed to do with a corrupt memory so he kept it anyway, preferring not to forget it unless it was completely irrelevant to his existence. He took his existence as new life to heart and was happy to be alive, even if others weren’t sharing that same feeling towards him. He may be a monster to some people, but he was more than happy to be existing and wouldn’t be brought down by silly words. Getting a little lost in thought he adjusted his hat before looking back to Amuné, staring at her as she made a strange suggestion. He had never heard of something like amnesia before and it definitely worked to confuse him, tilting his head slightly before blinking. “Huh? Not that old?” he asked himself, looking to the sky. He didn’t understand what a healer was or what a blessing from some Saint Edos meant to him, especially when he wasn’t like the others. He didn’t have a body like them so whether it had the same afflictions and needed the same treatments he really had no idea. “I am 8 months and 15 days old. You’re not much older than me? I am…I am unsure to what a blessing of Saint Edos is. I’ve never heard of such a thing before”. Finding it much to strange, he knew he was going to end up thinking about it until they found a solution. Maybe it was amnesia he had, whatever that was. If she thought it was amnesia then that must mean amnesia was the loss of a memory. If that was the case and people got the same problem then maybe he was like people enough for such a blessing of Saint Edos to work. Getting excited fair briefly at the opportunity he turned around quickly, smiling briefly before giving Amuné a good staring at. It was certainly a curiosity to find someone like him too, maybe he’ll find out what he was created for too. “I wonder. I mean…I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or why I was built, but the city should have the answers I’m looking for. Somebody made me and I certainly do want to find out who did and why”.