[h1]Ryan Chideta Ward 15 12:30 PM[/h1] Ryan sighed as he worked the coffee machine to make another cup for another customer. He had been at thhis for 5 hours straight now and business was starting to slow down. Unfortunately he still had another 5 hours to go. "The things I do for my craft." He muttered to himself as he passed off the coffee to a server. It was so sad too, all anyone wanted was the most boring coffee. There were so many more types of beans and ways to make it! His personal favorite coffee bean at the moment was the Kopi Luwak beans, but they were highly expensive at 19,025 yen a pound. He alonly served himself that during special occasions. Like tonight the 5 year anniversary of his first kill. He looked at his watch and groaned. Just 7 more hours and he could go hunting. [hr] It was now time. He had closed up shop a couple of hours ago and he just got done cleaning up. Ryan opened up his cabinet and removed the false back from it. He took out his mask and put it in his backpack. [hr] [h1]Ward 7[/h1] Ryan walked through te park in search of new victims when he smelt something interesting. He looked around when he saw where the smell was coming from. "Crap." Ryan turned around and began to walk away from the Ghoul he had just identified. He did not want to intrude on this guy's territory, he'll just move on over to Ward 17 or something.