[hider=Name of nation: The Crimson Federation of Nations (CFN)] [hider=Species] [b]Marauders[/b] [i]Are pictures needed, I’ll explain via words but finding pictures isn’t one of my strong suites sadly[/i] Marauders are big creatures on their home planets, strong and muscular, but possessing brain power and cunning ability. They resemble humans in structure, but have more boners, larger face structures and more teeth. Skin differs as well. Now, Marauder’s like any other race tend to have flaws. One notable flaw is that Marauder’s have limited smelling ability. They can’t pick up that many scents as their human compatriots but also suffer from a more or less “simpler” taste system. Only able to pick up salty, sweet and other basic flavors of food, thus Marauder cuisine is catered mostly to their needs, and not to the needs of other races. Marauder female’s possess the same body type and reproductive organs as human females, but in turn take a year to have a kid. The process is however less painful than humans however. [/hider] [hider=Description of government:] The CFN is a combination of three unfined Marauder Nations into one banner, the Crimson Banner. The Crimson banner was one of the top political, military and cultural houses in their home planet of Snov. With various marriages, the usual war and plotting led to the Crimson Banner controlling the planets under all the Nations. Snov is the seat of government, while the nations/empires one could call them control over 12 planets in total, and 2 more in the coming months. The top of the government is the Overlord. Overlord The Great Lord Casimer the Tenth of the Crimson Banner (Called Casimir for short) is the offical ruler of state, affairs and the superme commander of the armed forces. Underneath him are the three Supreme Lords, Maria Perez, Head of the Empire of Xomore leads the most planets under her grasp (6 in total) and the largest armed forces. Jim Dunworth, Head of the Empire of Thundad is the largest economic powerhouse in the Federation, while controlling 3 Planets, and one is currently being laid seige upon. Lastly, Gerald Issac, Head of the Empire Zonyth which is the technological powerhouse of the empire, with 3 planets in its grasp and one being laid seige upon. The more deeper, and complex power structure of the Federation will be explained later, via IC. [/hider] [hider=Description of military:] The Military is something that all Marauder’s are proud about, on-par with there culture and society outlook. For starters, the land units of the Marauder’s are some of the most highly trained in the known galaxy and universe, with above average equipment. Combat ready training for quick deployment ranges from one week to roughly 3 months allows units to enter into a battlezone ready, while normal training for armed forces units ranges from 6 months to a year. [/hider] [hider=Technological Overview:][/hider] [hider=Cultural Overview:][/hider] [hider=History:][/hider] [hider=Other:][/hider] [/hider]