[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GdMIcHd.png[/img] [i]First sighting of Ptolemy of Atlantis during the Tanker-Kraken incident[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Prince Ptolemy of Atlantis [b]Super Name:[/b] Tiger Shark [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Human/Machine/Other:[/b] Other (Atlantean) [b]Powers:[/b][list] [*] [i][b]Atlantean Physiology:[/b][/i] Natural abilities gained form being an Atlantean. Being a civilization which sunk to the bottom of the ocean, the Atlanteans have adapted to fit such an environment. Each Atlantean is a noticeable amount tougher and faster than the average human, have immense amounts of stamina whenever in an aquatic environment, and eyes that are capable of seeing in the darkest environments. This also has its downsides, but they will be covered in the weaknesses section. [*] [i][b]Aquatic Life Control:[/b][/i] One of the true powers which comes with the blood of the Atlantean royal family. What it does is very much in the name, but his control currently only extends to a limited number of creatures within a square mile. This will improve with experience and time, including the range. [*] [i](Macro)[b]Hydrokinetic:[/b][/i] The second ability associated with his blood. Ptolemy can control water, potentially on a massive scale in the future. While he can exhibit enough control over his power to move even blood when it is spilled, there appears to be an impassable something stopping him for using this ability on blood so long as it is "within" another creature, something not even he can identify. [/list] [b]Weakness:[/b] [list] [*] [i][b]Dehydration:[/b][/i] Dehydration impacts Ptolemy far more than it does the average human due to his Atlantean physiology, which in turn negates the benefits of being an Atlantean. He also dehydrates faster, and requires regular intakes of water. In line with this, intense heat based attacks will hasten his rate of dehydration. [*] [b][i]Sensory Overload:[/i][/b] With vision that is sensitive by human standards, and hearing which can pick up on more subtle frequencies, Ptolemy is more susceptible to light and sound based attacks. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Ptolemy is a well spoken individual who values his moments of silence, treating his fellow classmates with a curt politeness. This arises from a feeling of alienation in relation to other students - while they are still "human", he has the issue of being both Atlantean and a powered individual. While this should not be an issue at a school for powered individuals, no one ever accused the youth of being all that rational. It is not so much bullying he has experienced, just distance. An intelligent young man, Ptolemy is well read and applies himself to his lessons and homework. He manages to ride the line of being approachable and incredibly secretive, keeping his cards close to his chest. [b]Grade:[/b] 3rd Year [b]Club:[/b] Magic Studies Club - Vice-President [b]Other:[/b] POWERS