Sifen saw Saina walk into the back room, as well as Eva waking up and he smiled a bit at her well being, but his hands were shaking uncontrollably. He had the money in one of his safest pockets but just the presence of so much money was grounds to getting thieves visiting you in his mind. He'd never liked thieves, they stole for the wrong reasons. They wanted, whereas Sifen needed. At least that's how he justified everything he'd taken (which was honestly 90% food) He continued his backing away until he hit the door and jumped a bit forward ad spun around with his fist ready. He tried to act as smooth as possible and tried to use the clenched fist to push it open, and to his dismay a sound of wood hitting more wood greeted him. He had pushed the pull doors. He scrambled for a handle and opened the door as little as possible while still being able to fit through, the sound of metal and cloth brushing the door shocked him a bit again and he was off on his way. It was a quick walk to the studio but he needed to find Nai, and knowing her she was with Alex doing... Who knows what. He saw Braska disappear into the crowd but he was an athlete and people got out of his way. Sifen was poor homeless man and people simply ignored him so he couldn't catch up to the newest member of the group. He made his way to the redhead and the defective chair at the hotel he had seen earlier. Three people, walking down the path started grabbing people and asking them questions, unsatisfied they would continue on. Two of them where large burly men, one with a massive sword slung to his back, the other holding an automatic rifle in his hands, pointed down. Each had similar gear, but not uniform. The third was a small and very attractive woman who seemed to be oozing of authority. Though she was at least Five foot three, who was a dwarf in comparison to the men behind her. She had a simple rapier strapped to her side wearing a battle ready dress with boots. She scanned the crowed and at each person they stopped and asked they pointed in different directions. One of the men came up to Sifen, the one with the gun, and asked. "Have you seen an abnormally large woman with red hair and a woman in a chair?" Sifen looked up slightly at the man. He was big, not as big as Urick or Alex, but still bigger than he. He put his hand up to his forehead to block the sun and responded to his question. "Yeah, actually, I'm headed to where I last saw them now, wasn't too long ago but I'm in a rush, I actually need that chair so I guess you can just follow me. This way!" Sifen said as he walked toward the hotel, still running into the issue of nobody moving out of the way. "I'll uh, get there eventually." He said trying to step around the busy people of Kilika. He sighed and looked back at the man and smiled. "I hope." The man lit up and looked back, straining his neck to look over the crowd to find the other tall man. Once done he placed his middle finger and thumb in his mouth and gave a sharp really loud whistle. The other man snapped his head over to see the first jerk his head, indicating he got a lead. The second man looked down to the woman and said, "He's found a lead." He pointed in the direction of the first man and she nodded, turning and making her way in that direction. People who saw her instantly moved out of the way, causing no hesitation in her determined steps. Quickly the crowd parted around Sifen and the other man. She looked up at Sifen and placed her hands on her hips. Her stance firm. "Which way is she?" She said in a sharp commanding tone. Sifen spun to his side where she was as if he had military training injected into him by her voice, his heels together and his posture far better than normal. "They were at the uh, hotel. Ma'am." He said. "Over that way." He pointed to where Braska had disappeared to. She looked up at him with a scowl, the other two men looked at each other and took a half a step back she then said in a cold tone. "Do I look like a Ma'am to you? Do I really look that old?" "Y-yes?" Sifen responded not knowing the second question was coming. "WAIT NO. Not old just... I was trying to be polite Ma-Sir uhh miss?" Sifen swallowed audibly. She gave him a cold stare for a moment, her lip turning up into small growl. She turned and her long hair whipped behind her "Better." She said as she started in the direction he pointed earlier. He too stepped aside and let her lead the way. The two other men took up a position on either side of Sifen and followed the woman. The crowd seemed to favor her. As a bonus he felt as though he was being escorted and it filled him with childish delight. He imagined himself so important that he felt like having all that money on him was normal and safe. It only took them a short while to reach the first inn in that direction. She looked back and said, "Well?" "I said Hotel not inn ma- ahhhh MISS!" Sifen retorted. As he did the two other men stood straighter. Shaking their heads at Sifen and motioning him to stop by chopping their hands across their necks. The young woman narrowed her eyes at Sifen before pulling her lips back into a smirk. "Yeah... that's what I thought." She paused to fold her arms, her lips pursing as she eyed the mechanic up and down. "Now, if you're done wasting my time, quit your daydreaming and [i]move it.[/i]" "Geez fine. As I said that way." Sifen pointed to a building barely visible to him over the crowd. "That building there, the hotel." The young woman grit her teeth, clenching her hands into fists where they rested against her chest in her folded arms. She couldn't see a fucking thing over these people. The two men face palmed themselves silently behind her as this man was digging a bigger and bigger grave. "I'm certain you believe yourself to be Yu Yevon? You definitely seem to be expecting the seas to part for you so I can [i]see anything you're talking about.[/i]" Sifen looked to the two men and had a look of 'HELP ME' mixed with 'THIS IS HOW I DIE ISN'T IT' on his face. He didn't want to die young. The young woman let out a deep exhale before raising her chin up and shouting over the masses. "PART THE CROWDS!" At first, nobody moved... [b]"NOW."[/b] Immediately, the crowd parted straight to the inn. Down the open pathway they had made, the young woman stalked through like a pissed off tigress ready to rip apart its prey. The group made a quick move to the hotel where Sifen had directed the three. He did wonder why they were looking for Alex however, but he didn't have time before he was on the move again. Luckily, Sifen managed to lead them to Alex, Nai, Urick and had now caught up to Braska. "See, I told you I knew where she was. Also I need that chair so..," he said walking over to Nai, the two men walking beside him. "You'll get your chair." The woman snapped, tossing her hair over her shoulder. However, she snapped her fingers, signaling for Sifen to be pulled back by her two guards for the moment which they did by grabbing his hood and tugging the boy back. The two guards moved up to Alex, Urick, Braska and Nai, The first loading a round into the chamber of his gun (which Sifen admired quietly, it was very well kept) while the second slid the massive sword out of his back's sheath and rested it on his shoulder. The first saying, "Alright you four are coming with us. Move it!" Urick took a few steps in front of the men, blocking the path to them. His arms at his sides as he remained calm. "Why should we?" He said softly as he looked down at the two men, his hands tightening into fists as he felt the sense that this could turn into a fight really quickly. He didn't show it but his blood began to pump, as a small surge of adrenaline pumped into his bloodstream. He could feel his past nervousness flow away as the threat of battle came upon them. "OH. Where do I even begin?" The woman stepped through the small space between the men, her hands on her hips and her shoulders back. She stopped just before Urick, her eyes full of a dark fire as she fearlessly looked up at the significantly taller man. "But before I do, perhaps I can ask a foreigner like you to have some [i]fucking[/i] manners and respect the authority of Kilika. Step the fuck back... or I'll make you." Her voice both full of and dripping with venom at her last words, her eyes not leaving Urick's for a second. Sifen was slowly unraveling what he had just done in his mind. It didn't seem good. Urick looked to the young woman in front of him. It was clear she did not fear him, it was also clear she had military training. His features didn't show any signs of breaking as he stared at her. "You are the one without respect. As you didn't answer my question." "The answer," The young woman sneered, "Is that your [i]friend[/i] here," She paused to glare at Alex around Urick, having to lean quite a bit to the side in order to do so. "Assaulted and put into the hospital the [i]mayor's son.[/i] I'm taking everyone, and I mean everyone, in for questioning." Sifen mouthed the word 'Vilg' in the background realizing what he just did. Alex didn't like him BEFORE this. And now he led the authorities STRAIGHT TO HER. And now they were threatening his other friends. He just wanted to get out as fast as possible but he needed that chair, or else Gippals gil would be for naught. His eyes narrowed at the woman's answer. Alex did go overboard on the man, but he'd ran off on his own accord, clearly not needing to be in the hospital. Closing his eyes. He sighed. The best course of action would be to go with them. Last thing they needed was a fight with the locals. He opened his hands in relaxing. "Fine..." He said softly, though not adverting his stare at her. The woman quirked a brow at his sudden submission, but didn't question it. "Boys, cuff 'em." She walked straight past Urick and to Alex, who she was even shorter than. She smirked up at the dark red head and pulled a set of cuffs--large ones--from her side and throwing them at Alex before folding her arms. "Not you though... You're putting those cuffs on yourself... [i]Bitch."[/i] Sifen stood where he was told and said nothing. He couldn't. No matter what he said or did he couldn't find a series of words to describe what he felt at this moment about what he just did. It wasn't pride though, that was certain. As one of the men lifted Nai from her chair the other pushed it toward Sifen. "As a reward for leading us to these wanted folks, you can have this." He said. But Sifen didn't move, only glanced at it and put his hand on it gently. Meanwhile the men got to work on slapping cuffs onto Urick, being a little rough with the pale haired man mostly for show for their leader. Urick simply stood there and allowed them to cuff him. "Thanks." was all he could say. In the midst of the mans confusion and waiting for the ugly red haired girl to handle her own cuffs, she turned towards Braska as her men went to cuff him. "Hold," At her command, the men paused in confusion but took a step back with the one bearing a sword having Naisha slung over his shoulder. She strode up to the brunette man until she stood before him. She stayed like that momentarily, sizing the athlete up and down, pursing her hips all the while. "You're Braska...?" Her eyes widened, the darkness of them disappearing in favor for a more... oddly girlish sparkle. She smirked at him and quirked a brow. "I've watched all your games, you know... I love your reenactment of the Jecht shot... It's... um... my favorite, you know?" She reached her hand up and twirled a blonde lock of hair around her finger as she spoke. W...Was she flirting? The two other men stood wide eyed, as they never saw their captain act this at all before. The looked at each other in confusion. Meanwhile, she pressed up against Braska, mindful of how her breasts squished up against his chest as she whispered in his ear. "I... get off at 4." She discreetly slipped a piece of paper with the address of her work (and thus the location of the cells she was transporting her new prisoners to,) in the palm of Braska's hand, her lips curling up deliciously. "I look forward to you showing me just how long you can hold your breath..." With a final wink at Braska, she turned away, sighed deeply, and glared at the guards with the dark fire returning to her eyes. "What are you fuckers looking at? And if I look over there and those cuffs aren't on you..." She glared at Alex at that last moment. The guards snapped to attention and looked straight ahead, away from her." Nothing miss!" They both said in unison.