Name:Sierra Mason Desired Role: Squad Leader Equipment: -Standard Helmet: Every S.W.A.T. member wears this unless suited in T.I.A., has flash resistant visor and scalp coverage. -Kevlar Vest: Standard issue to S.W.A.T. officers. Average weight, like a heavy backpack. Stops ALL small ballistics and some low caliber rifles. -"Colt M1911" Handgun(7): A light gun, Good armor penetration, high damage, accurate, good for mid range engagements and firing on the move, could be used to suppress. -"M14" Battle Rifle (14): A heavy gun, good armor penetration, accurate, powerful damage at mid to long range. -2 flash bangs - 2 Decoys (Generate sounds similar to gunshots.) -Zip-ties (For securing people who surrender.) -Wedge (To be placed under a closed door to shut it from one side securely.) Skills: Handguns: 25 Shotguns: 0 Automatics: 25 Long-Range: 25 Grenades: 25 Perception: 50 Response Time: 50 Wiring: 0 Charisma: 50