[center][h3][color=7ea7d8]The[/color] [color=bc8dbf]Shin[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Brothers[/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] Eventually Leo and Julio excused themselves from the group. They talked to a few others as they left campus but for the most part conversed with just each other. [color=bc8dbf] "You need a haircut,"[/color] said Leo with a disapproving appraisal of Julio's shaggy black hair, [color=bc8dbf]"Long hair makes you look like a crazy person."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"You're the crazy one,"[/color] Julio retorted, [color=7ea7d8]"Besides, long hair is starting to be fashionable again."[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"Will you stop making excuses when you're just too lazy to make an appointment to get it cut?"[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Nope!"[/color] Julio grinned. [color=bc8dbf]"I've made an appointment for this afternoon for both of us,"[/color] said Leo, [color=bc8dbf]"So we'll both look presentable tonight."[/color] Julio conceded, but also said,[color=7ea7d8] "After this I'm growing my hair out."[/color] [hr] The twins always made a point to arrive late to their own parties, because the best way to make an entrance is when all the guests are already present, and they never disappointed. The sun had just kissed the distant horizon, making the city skyline stand in sharp contrast against the soft red and purple hues of the sunset. Suite 700, also known as Shangri-La's luxury rooftop setup, was already lit by lanterns strung above the heads of the party goers who mingled near the rail at the roof's edge. The event wasn't officially formal but the number of people dressed in casual clothes was very few. The small pool and hot tub were so far unoccupied, but they were more of a status symbol than an actual recreation accessory. The night was still early though, no doubt people would become less stiff as the party progressed. Most of them were more like kids pretending to be adults than actual young adults anyway. When Leo and Julio arrived on the scene everyone noticed. They stepped out onto the roof side-by-side and a few onlookers gasped. Just a few hours earlier, the twins had been easy to tell apart while standing next to each other. Now, however, their hair was short and they were each dressed in the same three-piece suit with red vest and tie. They even stood with the same posture, and were identical in every discernible way down to the ring on each of their right hands. Even their personal friends were baffled, because ever since their freshman year Leo and Julio had made it easy to be told apart, and now suddenly it was as if they were a perfect reflection of each other, and indistinguishable. Julio couldn't help but smile. They hadn't played the "twin game" since high school. It had been childish and silly but now he remembered how much fun it was. Leo too was smiling, no doubt the same nostalgia had hit him as well. Then, all of a sudden, someone started to clap. Then another, and another, until half the party was applauding them for their appearance. [color=7ea7d8]"Maybe if we do a trick they'll throw treats at us,"[/color] murmured Julio, and Leo burst out laughing. They made their way through the crowd and everyone went back to whatever they'd been doing before the interruption. Leo was looking for CeCe but he saw Raquel instead. [color=bc8dbf]"Raquel!"[/color] said Leo, smiling as he greeted her. [color=bc8dbf]"So glad you could come. Will you sing for us tonight?"[/color] It wasn't really a question he needed to ask, since she was the one who'd asked him earlier. [color=7ea7d8]"Oh I hope so!"[/color] Julio chimed in as they each took hold of one of her hands, looking at her with identical pairs of puppy-dog eyes and then twirling her in a circle between them as if she were a ballerina. [color=bc8dbf]"We told the DJ you might be treating us tonight,"[/color] Leo continued, [color=bc8dbf]"So just give him a wave and step up on the stage when you're ready."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"And by 'stage' he means that platform over there." [/color]Julio pointed to a small raised platform near where the DJ was set up. There was a lone microphone and stand in the center. [color=7ea7d8]"But first we need to find CeCe, have you seen her?"[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"I hope she's not hiding from us and stuffing h'orderves in her purse. Hm, I think I'd like a glass of Shiraz. What do you think, Julio?"[/color] They headed to the bar and each got a glass of the red wine. The bartender carded them of course, but apparently it wasn't an issue. The twins clinked their glasses together and drank a toast, just one sip, before setting the drinks on the countertop and leaving them there.