[img]http://pre07.deviantart.net/0434/th/pre/f/2011/314/f/b/landscape_03_by_gfellou-d4fpcqy.jpg[/img] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name[/b] -- Your name, or nickname if you have one [b]Age[/b] -- Only characters in their mid-teens and up please [b]Sex[/b] -- Any sex can be any profession [b]Appearance[/b] -- Picture or description, or both! [b]Profession[/b] -- Keep in mind this is a rural area, and no on here is a professional fighter; Witches are allowed but rare [b]Home[/b] -- Where do you live? In a small one room farmhouse? In a cabin hidden away in the woods? By the river, in an old mill? [b]Family[/b] -- Do you have a family? How about friends so close that they may as well be? [b]Focus[/b] -- The most important question, why are you going on this journey? [/hider] [i]Life used to be simple in The Valley, before Morgia Thatch disappeared. She was a terrific teacher, pillar of the community some would say, others called her a living saint, she never crossed paths with anyone who'd do a thing to harm her. So where'd she go? Most of the adults say it must have been a sudden case of wanderlust; said she must've climbed the mountains and left The Valley like the Duccen boys did last year. No one believes that though, there's nothing beyond The Valley but empty plains for miles and she knew it. So where'd she go? The kids at the school say she went to fetch a ball for them, it landed over the fence and rolled behind The Big Rocks, the one they aren't supposed to climb on, and she followed, never came back. It's time someone went looking for her -- the chill around those rocks isn't natural, even winter isn't that cold, so maybe there's something to what those kids have been saying after all. . [/i] Welcome to The Valley! It's a simple place, full of peaceful farm communities and forests, and [b]you and the other players will have full control over what happens while you're here[/b], so world building should come about naturally from your interactions. Of course, it won't be long until you find yourselves crossing over to another dimension, and that's where I'll step in to provide a more active role in narration and general game-mastering, as things would work in a more typical RP. Also keep in mind that if you have a cool idea for another world, you can PM me about it and if it's good I'll step down as game-master for that adventure and let you take over! You don't need my approval when you post characters, I trust all of you to judge whether any character is too powerful or doesn't fit the theme but be aware I will ask you to change them if necessary. If you decide to make a Witch, remember that they're generally minor enchanters and alchemists, not all powerful wizards. So let's get to work -- Morgia Thatch isn't going to save herself!