I guess I'll post mine here too...for the shits and giggles. [b]Picture:[/b] [img]http://t00.deviantart.net/Hq6e4DPRwf1ABOBThltYBjZy4k0=/fit-in/150x150/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre07/e593/th/pre/f/2015/238/2/3/11894694_1656176314623050_1420498587_o_by_letusdrawnow-d977dz8.jpg[/img] [b]Profile[/b] Name: [color=f7941d]Yuri Tynko[/color] Gender: Male Date of Birth: September 21st, 847 Age: 17 Size: 6'4" Regiment: 132nd Trainees Regiment [hider=Description]Yuri Tynko is one of the Taller one's from the 132nd, even with the large numbers. Though he may not come across as the more Muscle-type of soldier, he does pack the average strength for someone his age. His arms, legs and body do seem quite slim, though he isn't particularly. His neck appears to be quite long and wide, which helps with his physical appearance as a more threatening type of character. The height advantage makes Instructor-based consequences very difficult to hand out. He wields long-ish Jet-black hair, which is styled to be ruffled, rather than combed or neatly kept. It doesn't exactly curl as such, however it is kept in a somewhat fashionable appearance. The mix of messy and thick hair makes the perfect combination for a haircut. Yuri's clothing statement is rather basic. His undershirt is one dark shade of Green. The colour choice contrasts well with the Trainee-Overcoat in the uniform and passes Uniform regulations, unlike some attempts of trainees beforehand. When it comes to casual wear, he tends to find himself with his buttoned shirt, as seen by most Farming folk of outside the Wall Districts, as it comes to him as the closest thing to home. Sometimes a low-budget fabric and sleeveless overlayer is added to his fashion. Yuri Tynko comes across as the standard Soldier material.[/hider] Ancestral Origin: European Russia Hair Colour: Jet-Black Eye Colour: Aqua Blue Body Type: Tall, with a side of Medium Body Structure [b]Personality[/b] [hider=Description]Yuri is known by his friends for his friendliness and all-round great company. Along with Grant [See Other Affiliates], he is one of those to be looked up to, and not just in the literal term. Some have described him as an 'Older Brother' due to his consistent will to ensure everyone is on the right track to succeeding. Though he is quite to himself, lessen the more Open kind all around. When it comes to 3DMG training and navigation, he tends to pick the furthest path away from everyone. The thoughts of being watched and judged makes him very uncomfortable indeed. If there is one thing, however, that he himself loves doing, it has to be swigging a bottle or two down. More profoundly is he known for doing anything for a Devil's Pride, a Vodka beverage which mixes Apple and Pineapple mixed tastes with standard Vodka flavoring. Most days he can be caught drinking one of such, and can easily be bribed by the drink, depending on what the Bribe is exactly. Though Yuri doesn't always think on the positive side, he gives more neutral opinions on matters. If two Trainees were to argue, he'd attempt to stop it if necessary by taking no sides. The Same goes for bad-turns in events.[/hider] [hider=Strengths]With his height, strength is quite a slim chance. He is very skilled in the art of balancing. When it comes to fast-paced movement, however, he shows great potential. More notably, he shows great movement speed and reaction times in more Urban or enclosed spaces. The way he moves is odd, consisting of constant twists, turns and spins. Timing his grapples is something Yuri had learnt to plan perfectly. Challenge him to a drinking or eating game, and you are sure to lose. He can take on any Trainee with Venison eating contests or 'First-One-To-Go-Down' pub games. His strong addiction to his drinks has made him quite hard to knock down in a drunkard way. Really, his disorientation is very rare and he tends to find a way to control balance and stability for any situation, from drinking to actual training.[/hider] [hider=Weaknesses]Being watched has always been a large concern to him. Back in his working days, he used to hate having a watchful eye as it kept his mind away from getting the job done. There have been numerous occasions where his full potential hasn't been shown due to the audience's company. He can be easily drawn away from his intentional tasks and fears failure. To him, "A good soldier is one who get's every single detail in work correct. Those who don't are building up to be or aren't making the attempt."[/hider] Likes: Devil's Pride [Obviously], Soldiering On [Excuse the Pun]. He tends to enjoy doing stuff relating to training. When small and unnecessary competitions are held by Officers, he complains until everything get's back to what they are supposed to be doing, becoming soldiers. He also has a vast knowledge in Horses and Equestrianism. Though nothing compares to his extreme addiction to Cannons...lots...and lots...of Cannons... Dislikes: Procrastination and Laziness is something that pisses him off. If someone was asked to do something, they do it instantly as long as Yuri is around. Wants: To ensure he rises quickly through the ranks to gain access to his Sister more often, was one of his main goals. He also wanted to keep maintaining his reserved spot in the stables for his beloved horse, Gōrudosansetto. Fears: Being watched is his greatest fear. He suffered from great embarrassment when placed on-field. The slightest of mistakes can lead to him breaking down into a nervous stutter. [b]Background[/b] [hider=Description]Yuri Tynko is the youngest current member of the Tynko relations, which is now suffering from a great depression. His ancestry goes back way before the Titan appearance. His family was once of the Rich business agender, making rich Metalwork for cannons in Russia. Since the titans emerged from the shadows, his family's claim to fame was quickly evaporated, and began to take on the Poorer life. More recently, the Tynko name is referred to for high-quality farm work, where Yuri spent his days growing up. He has been a hard-working boy, hence his origin for his constant discipline, though ability to still maintain a somewhat social-life. He lived with his Father Cyo, and sister Vera, for 9 years. His mother was unknown to him, as Cyo didn't really 'mention' her that much. Halfway through his 9th year in life, Cyo was confronted by a friend. His friend was Jonah Stephenson, a Garrison soldier. He talked to him deeply about how the Garrison were in need of recruiting soldiers after Recent Titan threats in Yupian. Cyo, being a man who wanted his children to think highly of him, accepted this role. He placed Lucas Escara, a recently hired employee, to act as the Children's guardian. As he did, he promised a trip to Yupian for the boys. Cyo did seem quite old for the Trainees, which was strange, but he was accepted, as many older men were at that time. For the next 2 years, they lived on the Farm growing crops and making a handsome living. Though it was when Vera hit 15 that everything turned around. News spread that during a minuscule Titan defense operation, his Cannon malfunctioned and ignited itself. One out of the three in Cyo's cannon team were killed instantly from the explosion and him and the other, being Jonah, were thrown off of the wall and died upon impact with the ground. After a lot of suing and compensation, the Two remaining Tynko's quickly earned a lot of money. With this, Vera disappeared one night on one of the Stable horses, beside Gōrudosansetto. Two weeks of panic and a letter arrived, with Military signatures explaining how she had signed up to the Military. She never really explained her motives. However, Yuri suspects it was due to her anger, or having something to give her life purpose. She was gone for another 6 years with little contact. Before long after a cold winter, Lucas fell incredibly Ill, and with a poor medical system in his hometown, he died shortly after becoming prey to the disease. This left Yuri alone at the farm, which quickly began to collapse and lose customer interest. He began to become bankrupt with Business wealth, and had to turn to his stored share of his Compensation and bought himself a trip to Klorva. As he had nothing to turn to, he thought he could put his work in the line of duty to do something people would respect him for. He rode off to Klorva the next few days after he paid...[/hider] Birthplace: Mydleton, Western Town Between Klorva and Yupian Family: Cyo Tynko [Father - Deceased], Vera Tynko [Sister] Other Afflitiates: Grant Trinity [Lifelong friend whom departed with him to Klorva after hearing of Yuri's downfall], Lilith Hermia [Semi-Lifelong friend - A city girl who visited the Tynko farm and stables often. She is quite fond of Yuri herself.]