Kazu reached the gates as he let out a big sigh [color=lightcoral]"Why do I have to be so late?"[/color] Kazu mumbled as he recalls the fact he slept in despite the constant yelling from his older sister, Nanami. [color=lightcoral]"Oh yeah I slept in, I forgot."[/color] he said as he then pressed the button on the intercom. [b]"Hello? How may I assist you?"[/b] said the voice of an older woman [color=lightcoral]"Yes, my name is Kazunori Takemura, I applied to receive a power?"[/color] He said [b]"Let me take a look here."[/b] the woman said as she was heard typeing away on a computer. [b]"Kazunori Takemura, age 20, Power Applied for... Abnormality? So you're the weirdo who applied for the unwanted ability?"[/b] the woman said [color=lightcoral]"Yes much like the power I applied for my actions are quite...abnormal if you may."[/color] Kazu replied [b]"Very well let me unlock the gate."[/b] she said as the intercom shut off and a buzzing was heard as the gate slowly swung open. [color=lightcoral]"Let's just hope I'm not the most recent to arrive here"[/color] He thought to himself as he began to walk through the gate towards the building - The P.R.L. - A lab designed for the use of researching abilities that are not of a normal human, from animal morphing to control over ones own blood...to being able to accomplish feats that a normal human could not achieve alone. That's what this place is, a place where one goes to become, unique, the place where Kazu is entering to become...Abnormal. The power he applied for - Abnormality - Like the woman said it was an unwanted power, but that was slightly wrong. It wasn't unwanted it was merely unattainable by the people who applied for it before him. The ability allows you to acheive abnormal feats such as being able to lift a car or tank, or run faster than that of the fastest creature or vehicle. With this ability came a great side effect, the user's body must be toned well enough or they face a pain worse then any muscle cramp you get after going to the gym. Broken bones, paralyzed limbs...death. If the user was not fit for the ability then these pains are the 3 things you will be facing as you use the ability.