[b]IT COULD HAPPEN TOMORROW! [/b] The Harryhausen Meteor Shower, a once-in-a-lifetime event, just occurred last night. A free lightshow of shooting stars, visible all over the world. People crowded rooftops, balconies, and other open spaces in order to enjoy the show. Now, in the light of day, people are getting back to work, moving on. But not all of the meteors burned up harmlessly in the atmosphere. Some fragments made it safely to earth, landing unnoticed in lakes, isolated forests, open fields, city parks, locations scattered all over the entire world. Charged with a strange and unknown radiation, they began to work bizarre changes on the plant and animal life that came into contact with the meteors. Mutating and growing to immense size, the creatures predictably head for the nearest metropolitan centers and begin to wreak havoc. [b]COLOSSAL GIANTS RAZING PROUD CITIES IN A MAD QUEST FOR BLOOD![/b] This, then, is the time for people to resolve their petty differences and band together. Scientists, military men, police, journalists- square-jawed men and plucky women everywhere must handle and combat the devastation wrought by the horde of giants. Will mankind be destroyed by giant monsters? Or we will once again bend Nature to our will? [b]A DESPERATE RACE AGAINST TIME TO PREVENT COMPLETE ANNIHILATION![/b] Okay, so this is a little more light-hearted and fun kaiju game that's meant to play out more like a creature feature of the 50s and 60s. Despite being set in the modern era, everything in this RP is going to play out with the same sensibilities of those eras. The monsters look suspiciously like men in rubber suits or animals placed on a model set. The human characters are one-dimensional, more tools than people. And of course, you'll be in control of both. Each player makes both a giant monster and one of the humans trying to stop it. While you'll be scattered all over the world, eventually you'll all come together. And of course there will be epic kaiju battles. I'm counting on it, really. Please let me know if you have any questions. [b]BULLETS CAN'T HARM THEM! FLAMES WON'T KILL THEM! CAN ANYTHING STOP. . .[/b] [h2]THE INVASION OF THE BEHEMOTHS![/h2]