[@King Tai][@tsukune] Bo pondered the question for a second trying to remember what he had wanted he remembered a few seconds later as he thought of the days before when he had played a certain roleplaying game, and he was able to effect death which intrigued him. [color=2e3192]"Blood control you say, well I am aiming for something of sort almost the same kind yet it is a little more than blood, I am going to get a power called Necromancy or Necrokinesis as some call it will allow me to have power over souls and the dead I could do so much with it!"[/color] He thirsted to get the power because it was so cool sounding to him to be able to raise the dead and absorbs the souls of ghost and other humans, able to control how things work and maybe even how long things live. It all interested him yet he wanted to know what the others wanted to have as powers. [color=2e3192]"What about you Troy, what kind of power do you want?"[/color] Bo asked Troy.