[quote=@Blackmist16] [@Apollosarcher] [hider=If I can] Has some amnesia, good haggling skills, has most of the heroes abilities but is somewhat of a coward. [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/eb6c/f/2015/049/1/c/ravio_and_sheerow_by_blackorchid2007-d8imla7.jpg[/img] [/hider] [@Prince of Seraphs] Remember that Hyrule has many artifacts and tears that can transport people to alternate dimensions and that those tears and artifacts are always around so therefore I could be Ravio, but maybe he lost his memory of Links past adventure, bumped his head or something. So as a matter of fact it would be totally possible that Ravio could find a way to Hyrule. [/quote] There have been many artifacts that opened Hyrule to other dimensions but there have never been two different artifacts that led to the same dimension. The Twilight Realm had the Mirror of Twilight, Termina had the portal in the Lost Woods, The Dark World/Sacred Realm has the Triforce, The Great Seas had the Ghost Ship, Skyloft had the Tablets, Koholint Island had the Wind Fish. And Lorule had the bracelet which was destroyed sealing the last rift between the two worlds. Also it has been about ten thousand years since the events of A Link Between Worlds (assuming we are on that side of the timeline) if you're playing Ravio you're playing a reincarnation of him (fair to assume that Lorule's hero would also be continually reborn). Baring the actual physical logistics of how Ravio could be transported from Lorule to Hi the main issue I have with that character is story related. Bringing Ravio into the picture invariably also drags Lorule along with it. I don't think including Lorule in this storyline is a good idea simply because (once it was restored) it was almost exactly like Hyrule with some notable differences. Why should Ganondorf care about the well defended Golden Power of Hyrule when the Triforce that Lorule possessed is virtually undefended (sorry but Ravio isn't exactly the Hero of Legend). Having Ravio and by extension Lorule I think would shift the trajectory of the story in a direction that is far less than ideal. Also if you are playing him, cause he's the heroes opposite he's not going to be a fighter in the story. Having a brave Ravio would be like having a good Ganondorf. It just doesn't happen.