First draft, submitted! [hider=My Hider] Name: Amy Lirith Age: 16 Height: 5'4 Weight: 140 lbs Path: Hikari Weapon: A pair of Fairbarn-Sykes Fighting Knives Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Amy is a kind girl who wants to protect her allies, no matter what. She's got a protective streak as wide as Texas and is rash enough to follow up on it immediately. When talking she likes to tell jokes and try to make people laugh, though her jokes tend towards the dry, dead-pan snark kind of humor. She's rather intelligent and embraces logical reasoning in combat, making her a dangerous foe, though it does tend to drive her a little mad when faced with some of the people at the school. Biography: Amy was, as her name implies, born and raised in a rural part of Terrenus, in about the least conventional household imaginable. Her father was a member of an elite special forces unit, and her mother was a combat member of the Army. As a result, she spent her entire childhood juggled between military bases, since she had no family willing to take her she had to follow her parents wherever she could, and stay back with friends on base when she couldn't. As a result, however, she was exposed a great deal to soldiers, and the soldier ethos. One thing in particular she took to heart was a saying her father's team leader had said once when he visited them "Shoot to kill, but kill to protect." At the time, Amy didn't really understand that saying. How could you protect someone by killing? Well, regardless, her dad took it to heart, and found her a martial arts instructor. Her instructor came in the form of an aging veteran with a penchant for hand to hand, a love of guns, and a collection of knives. From him, she learned everything she knows about fighting over the course of eight years, until she decided she wanted to be a fighter by trade. Now, her parents weren't so sure about that, since fighting wars was their job and they knew fighting wasn't the romanticized notion her trainer had given her. She wouldn't take no for an answer however, and was sent off to the academy with her parents blessing, and bound by the words of her mother "If you're gonna do this sweetie, do it right. Make sure you train hard and become the best you can be." Martial Art Style (Name and descriptions for each.) 1.) Fairbarn-Sykes Knife fighting - This style is used when she means business as, rather obviously, fighting with knives means fighting to kill in most cases. This style focuses on fast draws of the knife, deflecting your opponent's blade with your own, and quick, clean cuts across arteries to ensure your opponent bleeds to death as fast as possible. AmyShas never used this style outside of training due to its inherent lethality, but has made a few modifications of her own to it during training. Particularly, she focuses on a lightning fast draw and a series of cuts delivered too fast to be stopped. 2.) Kenpo Karate - An unarmed stance that Amy is much more willing to use, Kenpo is her go-to 99% of the time. A style focused on quick blows to overwhelm your opponent and ensure at least some blows land on target, Amy's slim body and light frame lend themselves to this. She herself focuses on delivering fast punches to the throat and guts to disable the target. Another peculiarity however, is that she makes extensive use of the trademark phrase of Eric Sykes, the man who invented her knife-fighting technique, which is to say "And then, you kick them in the testicles." As a result, Amy also incorporates more kicks than normal into her own usage of Kenpo. Magic Style (Name and descriptions for each.) 1.)Hikari no shukufuku - Translated literally, it means "Blessing of Light". Amy is capable of using this power to heal her allies, as well as infuse them with her own strength. The principle weakness of this ability is that it, quite literally, infuses them with her own physical abilities. She can give the burliest brute around all her speed, and he'll go as fast as her, but she'll be completely paralyzed. As a result, she has to be careful how much she gives to people. Blessedly, healing is much simpler, and can be done with channeling and proper time. 2.)Howaito kasai - This translates out to "White Fire" and is much as the name implies. Amy is capable of creating and manipulating a fire that burns white, holy fire. As a result, it is particularly effective against practitioners of the Kurai styles, but is less effective than normal fire against Hikari students. [/hider]