[hider=Kyra][centre] [h1][color=silver]Kyra[/color][/h1] [h3][color=silver]- The Night's Queen - The Lost Goddess - Endless One - The Sun's Scorn[/color][/h3] [h3][i]"It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills, It comes first and follows after, Ends life, kills laughter."[/i][/h3] [color=silver]Age:[/color] One of the younger children of the Sun and the Moon. Appears to be about 16 - 17. [color=silver]God Status:[/color] Goddess of Darkness [color=silver]Personality:[/color] Kyra is both the most perfect personification of darkness and simultaneously, it's far-flung opposite. On the outside, she appears quiet and cold with eyes that hold a lifeless chaos, endlessly lurching into self-destruction. For this, most hold her as an uncaring being but it's not so. Kyra is a curious thing and naive beyond all imagination; even to the point were her potential to destroy is limited solely by this factor. She cares very deeply about how others perceive her which typically amounts to nothing as mortals find no real need in loving nor praying to Darkness. To Kyra, no one can ever love her - how could they? She is, by definition, the lack of love; the end in which all must toil eternally. She tries to find love but evil enjoys the shadow cast by the Queen of Darkness and it's typically hot on her heels. [color=silver]Parents:[/color] God of the Moon Goddess of the Sun [i]Unknown Intentity[/i] [color=silver]Sexuality:[/color] Bisexual [color=silver]Form on Earth:[/color] [hider=Earth Form][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/2adda8c5567782c2151c0fce766a2ffc/tumblr_n3t5ggiOd91s0adc8o1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=silver]True Form:[/color] [hider=True Form][img]http://s2.postimg.org/bmwbgpbjd/Goddess.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=silver]Powers:[/color] [b]Warden of the Dark:[/b] Kyra has divine authority and absolute control over all darkness. It can be altered freely, allowing her to hide in plain sight and boosting her ability when it's surrounding her (similarly, in a lack of darkness, Kyra is extremely vulnerable and weak). The darkness can be used to cover any artificial lighting but when she enters deep darkness (extremely low light-levels), Kyra's physical form becomes meaningless, allowing her to travel great distances in the blink of an eye. [b]Shadow Summons:[/b] Darkness, although cold and silent, isn't completely devoid of all life. Kyra is capable of summoning small beings made wholly from shadows by weaving the trapped souls of wandering spirits into the shadows themselves. Typically, they appear as small golem-like creatures but their appearance can vary. Individually, they don't do much but a group of them can be very potent. Useful for doing menial tasks as well. [b]Shadow Form:[/b] In intense bursts of power, Kyra can become living darkness. In this form, her physical features never seem to remain constant but she's particularly easy to notice from normal shadows with her blood red eyes. Her potential to damage skyrockets in this form in return for extremely high risk - any damage sustained is not only excruciatingly painful but can leave her physically exhausted for years or even decades. Basically, her damage goes up and her defences go down. [color=silver]Weapon:[/color] [url=http://clubecandoca.com.br/images/aqw-wiki-sword-of-the-legion-i5.png]Night's Edge:[/url] This massive and rather nasty looking blade is very nearly the full size of Kyra herself but is almost as light as a feather (to her) as it's primary component is pure darkness. She's an excellent swordsman but an awful tactician meaning she usually does well in small skirmishes but fails miserably in prolonged engagements. The blade itself can briefly absorb the light in an area around it before unleashing it back in a devastating cleave. [color=silver]History (Pre-Earth bound):[/color] One would be foolish in thinking that Kyra was the only being to take up the mantle of darkness. No, she's simply another iteration of a thought so timeless that it must be split into lifespans of eternity. Darkness, in its very essence, is the lowest form of existence; the tipping point between non-existence and existence. By all means, it could be that darkness in itself is a simple derivative of Chaos but Kyra will be the first to tell you that she wasn't solely born of the Sun and the Moon. It's not likely but she imagines that Chaos did have a part to play in breathing life into her. Kyra was the second last child born of the Sun and the Moon. Despite being the Queen of Darkness, as a youngster she searched for nothing more than love, in its purest kind. She found none in her mother - there was no malice behind it, she suspected, but her mother would never be able to love her. Her father was a different face of the same coin but he seemed a lot more willing to deal with the endless curiosity of his youngest daughter. Of the four seasons, Kyra found most favour with Ashthelic and Sora as they seemingly understood her predicament. She very much suspected that the other two seasons didn't really notice her. Thalliana loathed her but that could be excused - Light was always trying to rush around and fill in where Darkness makes its humble abode. Amare and Amos seemed much too wrapped up in their own eternity to deal with the odd bumblings of a little Goddess which left Armarion, who was the closest thing Kyra has ever had to a friend. There was no love between them but they appreciated each other's company, or more adequately, Armarion was one of the few people who could genuinely answer Kyra's questions, whether they were a stroke of sheer genius or idiocy personified. She enjoyed his stories of the mortal world and even learned how to use weaponry under his careful guise. For a time, Kyra was at peace with her nonchalant existence but events would rupture the balance and tip her away from her disjointed family. It was after eavesdropping on a conversation between her mother and father that Kyra realised that she was different from her siblings. They were created to maintain the forces of the world in perfect balance while she didn't seem to have a function whatsoever. Or so she thought. In truth, Kyra was both one of the most and least important of the deities. She held no power over nature nor did she have considerable authority over important things like the seasons. No, Kyra simply existed to ensure the end of all existence - she was born to make sure that all returned to the cold tides of darkness that had originally birthed everything. Despite innocent and young, Kyra represented a problem to her parents as the prophecies that spoke of her never specified when it was that she would usher in the end. For this, their discussions took on darker tones which cut the young Goddess deeper than anything before and like it or not, a cold rage bubbled beneath the surface. This rage became very real when she confronted her mother on the conversation she had eavesdropped on. Her mother vehemently denied every charge Kyra laid against her, practically ignoring them in the Night Queen's eyes. Kyra didn't mean to hurt her but her vicious anger choked her good judgement and allowed the shadows of rage to rise within her. Her form became consumed with darkness and she lashed out at her own mother, leaving a gash of endless darkness over her mother's ethereal face. The wound scarred her mother harshly but the attack shocked her, allowing Kyra enough time to come to her senses and flee. She didn't hear much but she knew that her mother had placed a bounty on her head. The reward must have been substantial as for nearly four centuries, she was plagued with pesky demigods trying to capture her and subsequently failing. One particular rumour slated the reward as a hand in marriage to one of the Sun's Daughters. [color=silver]History (Post-Earth bound):[/color] Kyra didn't exactly expect much when coming to Earth so her journeys there were adventures, at the heart of them. She wandered aimlessly during the night, igniting quite a number of ghost stories throughout the ages. In the few times that she did settle down, she found evil nipping at her heels. Her presence didn't seem to have a very good affect on the people present. The most notable of these homes of hers was in Germany at the start of the 20th century for almost half a century. Yeah... The fact that the Goddess of Darkness set up camp there probably didn't help the case! Needless to say, Kyra allowed bygones to be bygones and wandered onwards. After hearing of the whole incident with Bronte, she briefly considered helping her family regain their home in the heavens but quickly gave up on that aspiration - she wouldn't be of much use to them and it would mean having to come out of hiding which didn't sound too appealing. If they really needed her then they could just find her themselves, after all; Armarion probably knew where she was. [color=silver]Motive:[/color] Kyra doesn't really have a particular motive except for the fact that she wishes to be loved like most of the others are. She doesn't care whether this is love from an individual or love from a group of people but she appreciates the complexity of the challenge, considering the fact that Darkness is widely regarded as a substitute for evil in the human world. [/centre][/hider]