Celina listened to what Mildred was saying as she continued to sign the documents, before finishing and breathing deeply. "Ah... well at least we have something to get to safety if things do get rough..." she then says calmly, before looking at Trevor. "Well... with those papers done, I think we are ready.... maybe... uhm... where would we get our first job anyway?" she said. She kinda really wanted to go and work just a bit... for 2 reasons. One... she knew that with how weak she was, she knew training would be of utmost important. That and she needed to learn about this world a bit more and how it worked. Second of all, if they helped the town's people, they might consider the 2 of them less as a treat and more as helpful people. Deep down she did want to go back home, but if that was impossible... it would be probably better if she get used to this world. Also... if they ever go back.... her and Trevor... she probably will be trying to find out where he lived to go meet him in real person... unless all this is a dream... Then heck what a dream. But with how she actually felt and how dreams usually are... this definitely didn't feel like a dream. "Also... any area we should consider good for beginner teams?" she then says.