When Lienna returned, she found her husband in a rather lewd conversation with his hired hands, but paid no mind. He said nothing at first, simply looked over her with an intoxicating concoction of lust and longing swirling in his eyes. He lifted the dagger from her hands, and lifted her chin to better see her face. She felt as if he were appraising her, like a prized sculpture up for auction - and oddly, she didn’t mind the feeling. His next actions confirmed her feelings: Her husband swept her into a kiss, literally stealing the breath from her lungs. Her head spun, and her eyes fluttered closed. Distantly, she could feel him part her legs, but paid little heed, having surrendered herself to the starts flashing behind her eyes. The moment ended too soon, however, and she drew a long breath. Her heart pounded, a fresh wave of adrenaline sweeping through her, burning in her veins. She turned sultry eyes to her husband as he addressed her. [i][color=gold]"Fate has shined brightly on you, my dearest love. You have embraced death; made it your lover. You understand now, yes? You understand why it is the duty of the lion to slaughter the lamb?”[/color][/i] Lienna simply smiled, a small and cunning thing. [color=lightgray]“My love,”[/color] she purred, [color=lightgray]“I have clubbed enough seals in my life, slaughtered enough elk: I know very well the place of death in life.”[/color][/i] [i]And the power it lends you, as the victor.[/i] Suddenly, and much to Lienna’s chagrin, their semblance of a moment was interrupted. An outlandish fool had barged in with his wives and begun calling her husband by the name of Rynek. Lienna cocked an eyebrow, and swivelled to look at her husband. He looked as if he could have torn the head off the other Drakken’s shoulders, but accepted the circumstances and shed his hood, revealing a head of tastefully unkept, snow white hair. Lienna’s interest was piqued, to say the least. [color=gold][i]"It is true, I've been deceiving so let me introduce myself. Prince Rynek Darion the first. Noble protector of the Royal Bloodline, Slayer of kings and rapist of queens, princesses and generally anything that looks pretty and has a cunt.”[/i][/color] With the second part of his speech, Rynek took a bow and turned to look decidedly at Lienna, half a smirk ghosting over his lips. Maybe her judgement was clouded by her predicament, or maybe she was slowly going mad, but even though his statement sent a shiver down her spine, her gut still quivered with what could be nothing but excitement. She’d never had so many eyes on her in her life, nor this [i]particular[/i] type of attention, and she was beginning to think that she liked it. But oh, her husband, a prince? The very Prince of Drakka? She couldn’t help but consider it an honour. He was the single most powerful man in a room full of nobles, and she was the jewel on his arm. If she played her cards right, she could not only have a highborn life with this exciting new man- she could have political influence beyond what any Gem would ever consider. Something about him seemed off, though. She sensed some hostility, and while it wasn’t exactly rare in the room, it put her on edge. She didn’t think it was aimed toward her, and her Prince husband seemed to be having a bit of an interior meltdown. She couldn’t help but find it amusing, and a ghost of a smirk dashed over her lips. Soon, a Drakken she didn’t recognize stood and announced that Drakka would officially wage war on Gemmenia. Sienna’s blood finally ran cold; the Drakken seemed to place the blame on the brides, and she felt heat return. Only, this time the heat that boiled her blood was a slow, and growing anger. She’d done nothing! She’d been on her very best behaviour, she was even getting along well with her new husband! And a few Gem [i]children[/i] who couldn’t take their lumps and make a sacrifice for the greater good had put her homeland in jeopardy? She could feel the ire swell inside her, like a tide leaving in preparation for a tsunami. She eyed the other brides, [i]especially[/i] the fool who decided to make a scene, ensuring that if she met her gaze she’d [i]feel[/i] the fury that swirled like a gale inside her. Rynek made complaints: He seemed no happier than she that his father had waged war. But… Could there be a hope? Out of any Gem in the room, Lienna had the heaviest influence on the royal family of Drakka, and even if it wasn’t even enough to turn the king’s head her way, it was better than nothing. Perhaps… Perhaps, if she played her cards right, she may be able to tilt the odds a hair in her favour? Looking back to her husband, she offered a hand, patting his forearm in some kind of comfort. But when her eyes meant to meet his, they found him staring uninhibited at the Drakken female across the way. Lienna followed his gaze, taking in the way she shamelessly flaunted herself, egging him on. Lienna was having none of it. She was not about to give up her only shot at a noble life and the slim chance of turning Drakka’s weapons away from Gemmenia on account of some Drakken whore. Her eyes narrowed, and she shifted closer to her husband. Oh, it was so on. [@Raxacoricofallapatorius] [@NarcissisticPotato] [hider=Summary]Lienna's pissed, and slowly (well, pretty quickly actually) going insane with bloodlust. Tyrai, prepare your ass.[/hider]