Cecil didn’t really understand a lot that was being said but he was going to go with it, seeing how he had a lot he could be thinking about that was probably more important. They certainly seemed to be trying to work out what was wrong with him and how he functioned, but he didn’t know why they might be trying so hard when it was essentially not bothering him all that much. If he did have amnesia over that event then maybe it was something he didn’t want to remember, but he couldn’t be sure without actually knowing the backstory behind that and why he felt it was necessary to remember the light and the aftermath of his possible escape. “Uhh yeah, I am! I mean…since I was activated, since my internal clock has been running”, he spoke, thinking about it briefly before looking to Amuné when she made a strange comment, simply wondering how that was relevant. “Look like a baby? But I wasn’t made to look like a baby…” He didn’t understand how that might work; he was made to look like he did now, not like anything else. Smiling, he listened to Ethan’s explanation of the Saints, finding it to be a rather curious thing before an even stranger question came into play. “Flesh? I am not that, so I don’t know”, he spoke, tapping his cheek thoughtfully, “I don’t know how Machina work, though. I’ve never seen another one like me”. Whatever was wrong with him was probably going to remain a mystery for now, or at least until he found someone who knew how to fix him. He didn’t know how many of his own kind were wandering around for people to know how he might be repaired, meaning most of his repairs had been done by himself. Keeping fairly quiet as they walked along the path he did want to interact with the occasional person they passed by, but he was a little wary after what happened yesterday. He didn’t know if they might had heard about what happened, but he wasn’t ready to take any chances either. To have focus on caution like this felt out of character for him, but if he had to be careful then he would be careful. Coming to the bridge, Cecil felt rather overwhelmed by the river’s presence as water flowed rapidly underneath it, his eyes staring at it curiously before he quickly turned to Ethan and Amuné, looking rather nervous. He hadn’t come across so much water before so it was a little intimidating, especially when it could potentially be dangerous. He didn’t know how much water there was or whether there was some kind of depth to it, but he was thankful that there was a river there. Watching Ethan and Amuné for a moment he soon took his attention back to the river, their need for food being drawn to it for some reason. He probably wouldn’t be of much use here, he didn’t know how he might handle water nor did he know what he was supposed to use for getting food from there, but that was probably their worries. He would’ve just continued onwards if he was by himself, but they needed food so he would have to wait with them until they managed to get some. “How long is this going to take?”