[@JDizzle383] Everything I said as Navi was cannon. I made a couple of leaps, I linked Dark Link the final boss of Zelda II and Shadow Link making them one entity and I said that Vaati's Dark Mirror and the Mirror of Twilight were the same artifact but everything else that I wrote was cannon. According to Hyrule Historia: [quote=Hyrule Historia] The dark mirror created an army of Shadow Links from the resentment and evil thoughts of the defeated Ganondorf from Twilight Princess. The mirror emits a new Shadow Link every time Links kill him, causing the two to meet numerous times through the game. [/quote] As I claimed that Shadow Link was created prior to that game I changed it to Vaati corrupting Shadow Link with the resentment and evil thoughts of the defeated Ganondorf but regardless it is a fact that that is a part of who Shadow Link is. It doesn't mean your character has to like it or has to accept it. Since I had it so he was originally a misguided agent of the goddess it could very easily be that Shadow Link is fighting against the inherent evil inside him. Whatever you want to do with it that's up to you but it doesn't change the fact that I am not the one who wrote Shadow Link in that light, Nintendo was. You can put any sort of spin you want onto it but you still have to abide by the source material. Since he was created from Zelda II Link it would I suppose make sense that he could view the realm of heroes but I don't think he would be able to speak. For the record Ganondorf got the Triforce of Power in Twilight Princess because of temporal bleed from the other timeline in which he already had it not because of an accident. I didn't rewrite what he said to make him seem like a "murderous lunatic" I rewrote his speech to make him seem a little more elegant. The guy is like fifty thousand years old at least, I sort of thought having him use phrases like 'fuck off' and 'gave you the middle finger too' seemed a little juvenile for a being so old and powerful. I never changed the intention behind anything he said. Everything you wrote him saying he still said and he responded to Navi the exact same way, I just rewrote his speech so he sounded a little less like a fourteen year old whose just learned what swearing is. He still said and did everything exactly as [i]you[/i] wrote him saying and doing everything in the collab.