[quote=@GingerBoi123] do you need to know about Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou to join? It's that I saw this and thought it looked cool, but I dunno what this is about xD [/quote] Well there's an anime currently airing that has about... 8 episodes so far, I think. You could watch that to get a decent idea of what the series is like (although the basis for this RP, MON, is only a group of side-characters in the actual series, which is far more comedic). If you don't feel like doing that or reading the manga (which also wouldn't take too long, considering there are only 36 chapters), then you can learn more about the setting from the wiki (warning: the wiki is NSFW, like most of the series): http://dailylifewithamonstergirl.wikia.com/wiki/Daily_Monster_Girls_Wiki Keep in mind, since you don't seem to be all that familiar with the series, Monmusume [i]is[/i] an ecchi series. Like, incredibly so. Temper your expectations accordingly. [quote=@Giovanni Carter] I feel that I need a few more details on some of the species before I could jump into it. [/quote] See the above, specifically the bit about the wiki (http://dailylifewithamonstergirl.wikia.com/wiki/Other_Races). Alternatively, there have been a number of [url=http://imgur.com/a/GEpNq]post-credits info cards about various extraspecies[/url] released at the end of each episode of the anime, which you could also check out.