[quote=@JDizzle383] So since he is evil in the source material, I can't change him at all? ... ...... ......... I'm out. [/quote] That's not what I said. I said in the source material he has certain qualities and tendencies which were written in as part of his backstory that [i]do[/i] make him appear evil. That doesn't mean your Shadow Link has to stay that way but it does mean it has to be a part of his character. You'd already demonstrated that he wants to change, you've also make him seem a bit unstable and prone to mood swings. You could easily alter that to be him fighting with his own inherent nature as a creature of the Shadows. There are certain things that [i]are[/i] set in stone in the Zelda universe but you can interpret them in a multitude of different ways. I think it's part of what makes it such a captivating series. In the Four Swords manga at the last second Dark Link turns against Vaati and shatters the Dark Mirror which is what leads Link to being able to defeat the Wind Sorcerer even though it ends Shadow Link's life. That's not canon but it does mean that he doesn't necessarily have to be the bad guy. However he does have a certain alignment that has to be taken into account when writing him. You have to use the source material but you don't have to be limited by it. Look at my Navi, her history contains all that is canon about Navi in Ocarina of Time but I've taken it further. She's evolved and changed, she's angry, she's bitter, she's tortured and reckless. Does that sound like the "Hey! Listen!" Fairy from Ocarina of Time. If you really want to be apart of this you'll find ways to make the lore work for you rather than being chained by it. But if one misunderstanding about your character is enough to make you want to quick then in the long run we're probably better off without you.