[@Galgarion][@MelancholyMellie] I'm happy to announce that I have decided who has made it into this RP. Having taken the plot into account I see Vincent and Robin providing the most to the group. With vincent's history there's plenty of space for it creeping up on him, and Robin has enough baggage to fill the airship you will be arriving on. There is so much I can do with these characters as a GM and I hope to work with them. [@sMoKe] As happy as I am to start I am sad to say Tane has not made it. As much as he's a solid character I'm not entirely sure what I could provide for him in this story as though there will be airships and big machinery for him I don't know that it's enough to drive a character. Though the privateers were an interesting thought privateering in this era was in the west while the plot is in the east. Despite having more than Galgarion for content it all felt like things that wouldn't add to the group. There was another character with a major tragedy in their life, all of these characters have built themselves up from humble starts, and so on. Perhaps later I may find a place that he can fit in, but until then I can't see this Rp providing a meaningful experience for you. [@Liriia] Now for those accepted i have begun work on the IC, and hope to have it up by friday. I'm really busy tomorrow so I can't do too much.