Reading over the characters I do feel that it would be easy to begin a slow bringing together of the characters. Rose for instance is off searching for the sword already, while Angelo may have heard rumor of a treasure. As such it'd be easier to connect those two with either Flavius or Mariam. Essentially Flavius could find one of them lost while looking for the sword, which they believe to be in Harocint, and offer his services. The other one could stop by Mariam's village to rest, thereby introducing the two of them. John and Jon are a little easier as the two of them live in Drevmort, Jon might for instance hear of some big game off in Harocint and head off to slay the beast while John tags along to help and cook it or something. Essentially we'd all end up converging in Harocint near Mariam's village in the end, it would probably take a few posts in each group to reach there but it shouldn't take too long. That's the idea I've had thus far at least, if someone has a better way for us to all meet I'm onboard.