"I know Edos is a Saint and all, but still... How do you heal something that's made of metal?" No matter how you sliced it Ethan couldn't fathom a way for it to be possible. Machines were made by people, so to that end he figured it would take a person to fix Cecil, not some deity. If they could find a way to speak with Edos or ask for his aid then hey, they may as well try, but he had a hard time imagining that it would work. Besides, with their getting closer to the city they were bound to find someone familiar with Machina anyways, so they probably didn't have to go to such extreme lengths. When they arrived at the riverbanks, Ethan eased Amuné down off of his shoulders and gave himself a stretch, feeling a bit cramped after having carried her for so long. They'd come a decent ways this morning, and with a river right before them now it was probably a good time as any to take a break, and get something to eat! Having to try and explain why healing may not work to Cecil was a bit tricky, but at least now he seemed to be getting why it may not be possible. Not that Ethan took any pleasure in saying an idea of theirs wouldn't pan out, he just didn't think it possible and didn't want to set them up for disappointment. Things were looking up by the time they had reached the bridge, what with no one having given them trouble on the way down. The fact they were at a river too was even more exciting, as a river often meant plenty of fish to eat. Granted there was the slight issue of the rapids, but it was nothing Ethan hadn't tackled before. Walking towards the banks he peered down at the sandy shore below, wondering just how deep it got out in the middle. "We can definitely catch one, we'll just have to get a little creative is all," the white-haired boy said, grinning as he started to take off his shirt, "Since we don't have a fishing rod or bait we'll have to do it the old fashioned way: catch fish by hand!" He'd done it before, during the first week of his trip in fact. It wasn't the easiest or even most practical thing in the world, but between fish and some wild berries he'd much prefer the fish for lunch. Setting his shirt aside, Ethan removed his pouch and dropped it there as well, settling down onto his rear to get off his shoes to boot. Now that all he had left on were his pants he grinned and hurried down to the waterfront, looking around to see if there was a calm patch to wade into. "Uh... Good question Cecil! An hour? Maybe less? Maybe more?" Ethan shouted back to his friend, smiling as he started to slowly wade into the currents, pleasantly surprised they weren't as strong as he thought, "While I do this how's about you two get some firewood? We can set up down here so we're off the road, just to be safe." Then again a fire meant smoke, and smoke was bound to grab someone's attention, so should they even bother? Couldn't hurt he supposed, and if they were out of sight then they could keep hidden if someone did spot the smoke signal, maybe even slip away while they were checking it out. "Let's see... There's gotta be some little fish floating around here..." Ethan mumbled, leaning forward slightly as he peered through the water. Lots of rocks, some plants and the occasional fallen branch, but as he waded around he wasn't really spotting any fish. Probably scaring them away while moving through the water, if there were in fact any around here. Smiling to himself he decided then to stand perfectly still, watching the immediate area for any signs of movement. Surely something was bound to come out if he kept like this, right? It looked like his patience paid off pretty quick as he saw a hint of movement off to the right, right by a log that was partially submerged by the water. At first it looked like a fish, but as the creature came out it was longer and thinner than any fish he'd seen. In fact it wasn't a fish at all, if the bright yellow rings around its long body wasn't indicative enough. "Oh crap! Crap crap crap!" Ethan shouted, turning and running out of the water, practically on the surface as he got back to shore, glancing back to see a several meter long, venomous ringed cobra swim by, heading downstream and evidently not even paying him any mind. Heh, so that might be why there were no fish.