As the Hero of Memory recovered from unconsciousness, in the place where the eleven figures were kept, a twelfth surfaced. This one had a darker color scheme than the others, and his irises were red. walking over to the ledge and adjacent Hero of Time in his childlike state, the new figure asked that incarnation of Link a question. "So... I don't suppose I can ask for forgiveness after all these years? We could have stopped Ganon as a team, you know?" Getting no reaction, he waved his hand in front of The Hero of Time's face. Nothing. "What the? No WAIT! I NEED HIM TO KNOW!" Shadow shouted as he was ripped from the room forcefully by some unseen force. He awoke with a sudden jolt much like the current hero. "How long was I out?" he muttered to himself. Then he remembered the dream. A past Link... in a dark room... something about two of them talking, and... WAIT A SEC! "Did I really just ask a hero for forgiveness? I must really be losing it if that's true... now then, my favorite time of day! Eat and run!" He walked into an Inn and ordered a plate of Cukko eggs over-easy. When he was done, He got up and ran outside, laughing as the men who owned the place gave chase. "Can't catch a shadow!!!" he smirked as he lost them in a not so well lit area with a bit of magic. Deciding to take a stroll, he happened across none other than Link's cart and leaned up against it. "You have a rough time sleeping too?" he asked his light wielding counterpart. "Or did 'Old Timer' give you more knowledge than you could deal with?" he finished, using his slang term for the Hero of Time. Noticing Link seemed to not be awake, and neither was Navi, he sighed and said to himself "Now what do I do? I can't just turn into wolfy and sic myself on them..." He shivered at the thought, knowing Midna would most likely kill him if he tried something that stupid. After thinking it over, he tore a bit of his clothes and lay them next to the hero, Whispering, "I could have hurt you. But I didn't." then faded into the shadows before anyone could wake up.