[hider=Marie] [img]http://i100.independent.co.uk/image/13918-xetw4y.jpg[/img] [center][b][color=#F8F8FF]Maries Aceline Elaine[/color][/b][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] Transsexual, born male transitioned female at age 19, prefers she/her but allows certain people to call her him/he. [b]Age:[/b] 26 years old born October 20th at 11:02 PM [b]Home:[/b] 0989 Pastel Road [b]Orientation:[/b] Bisexual, Pansexually curious [b]Significant Other:[/b] None [b]Occult:[/b] Werewolf [b]Inherited Ability:[/b] Wall Crawling [b]Special Ability:[/b] Superhuman Healing [b]Hidden Ability:[/b] Superhuman Speed [b]Occupation:[/b] Works at a Vape shop as a recently promoted manager [b]Family:[/b] None, father is dead and mother is unknown. #OnlyChild [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at 5’4, Marie isn’t the most imposing of people out there. Tattoos cover nearly all of her arms and hands generally depicting everything from flowers to bloody knives. Marie’s hair is naturally brunette but is dyed blonde. She’s almost always seen wearing a cotton beanie and one of a few button up shirts left open while wearing either a white t-shirt or several of her multicolor t-shirts [b]Werewolf Appearance:[/b] [hider=Female Werewolf][img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/51df/f/2012/178/7/9/werewolf_weds__6_27_by_viergacht-d554ap3.png[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Marie is quite, to put it kindly, different in the way she acts from basically everybody ‘normal’. Having been born a male and growing up wishing she had been born female while trying her best not to let everybody know that ‘she’ was really a ‘he’. But Marie couldn’t hide forever and eventually kids started to mock her for being male and looking like a girl. Her self-esteem basically went down the shitter and her friends all started disappearing around her. As such, Marie trusts nobody as everybody she had known to get close to her simply ended up mocking her or turning their backs on her before she even had the chance to explain. After her transitional surgeries were complete, Marie’s life changed completely as she finally found a crowd to fit into, the growing LGBT community in New Orleans. Eventually Marie would be ‘cured’ of her esteem issues and make friends inside the community but she distanced herself from them, afraid to truly be herself in front of anybody. But, Marie is the most kind and loving person one could ever meet as well. Never has she said anything bad about somebody behind their backs nor to their faces, though she would be too timid to actually do so herself. Even when her best friend and Father was diagnosed with cancer, she didn’t break down and cry but devoted herself for being there for him. She would bring him home made food, which required being sneaked into the hospital, nearly every day so that he had a piece of home in such a foreign place. She was devastated when her father died while she was away at college, for an Art Major on top of that. [b]History:[/b] Born Marcus Timothy Elaine, Marie had lived eighteen years in the body of a male before she became female. Marie grew up not knowing who her mother was for she disappeared not even a month after her birth leaving her Father to raise her alone. And God was it difficult for Ben Elaine to raise a son who wished he was a she. Ben never quite understood Marie’s ‘condition’ quite as well as he wished he could but he would not deny his only kid the happiness and life she wanted. So once Marie qualified for the very beginning of transition to female from male, Ben shelled out as much money as possible to make his little girl happy. It was difficult for Marie who had grown up being looked at with disgusted looks to adjust to the change in people. Marie went from being called ‘it’ to her from those who knew not about the fact that she had once been male. After her surgeries, Marie began dating only to face an entire separate problem entirely: how to tell her boyfriend or girlfriend that she was once male. Eventually, Marie quite simply stopped trying to make relationships with people outside the LGBT community she had become a member of due to their general disgust at realizing that Marie wasn’t born this way. It was in her third year of college, when she was 22, that she was thrust into the world of the Occult. [b]Occult History:[/b] Marie had always believed in the Occult, of course since she did grow up in New Orleans, but never thought that it would ever have any effect on her life what so ever. The Occult changed her life entirely when a rogue werewolf, one which had been off his daily shots of morphine for a while, attacked her and sliced her right leg and stomach causing scars. Cops brushed it off as a wolf or coyote attack but Marie stood her ground on what it had been. A few days later she was confronted by her first ever Vampire, a quite intimidating male figure, who questioned her on the attack. Upon mentioning the scratches, the Vampire grabbed hold of her and took her away in his black car. That day, Marie was inducted into the world of the Occult and given the rules she would have to live by otherwise she would end up like the Rogue who attacked her, a burned corpse. Since then, Marie has been steadily learning more and more about her new life and powers. The Vape shop she works at happens to be owned by a Vampire who would ‘watch’ her and make sure she didn’t step out of line but he stopped following her around nearly a year ago leaving her more or less to her own. A few werewolves who were members of a pack were kind enough to explain to Marie what it meant to be a part of a pack when they came into the Shop a few months back and Marie decided that day that she would never willingly join a pack. [b]Occult Status:[/b] Rogue Werewolf, aka not a member of a pack but taking her morphine shots for now. Though, she recently hasn’t been taking her morphine due to her work hours and college work. [b]Additional Info:[/b] She really likes her Cheerios, so much so that she once knocked a man out for touching them. [/hider] I... think this is our first and only Transsexual character to have been made thus far.