[h2]IC[/h2] You are laying on a soft carpeted floor in a giant but unfamiliar room. There is a large fireplace on one wall and a set of fifteen foot tall sturdy wooden doors on the opposite end of the room. There is a recently broken window on the wall across from you are laying. You are surprised to realize that you are surrounded by at least two dozen butchered and bloody bodies, however you're not sure how many of them are corpses. There is a fancy sofa and an ornate table thrown haphazardly in the center of the room. A young blonde haired women wearing an expensive looking dress is curled up on the sofa crying loudly. It soon becomes clear that this this place is under attack. The deafening sound of metal hitting metal floods your ears and a quick survey shows that a few of the bodies are covered with armor. However, this room looks like it has already been taken a beating. The walls are covered with markings and you notice a few broken sculptures and pieces of furniture littering an area near the fireplace. This isn't right. You are a pretty regular person. You had just gone to sleep. This had to be a dream. But it wasn't. It was all too real. The smell of blood and the sound of crying and the feel of the carpet were too real. You were awake. But how had you gotten here? And what were you going to do now? [h2]OOC[/h2] *Just like your character, you are whisked into this universe with absolutely no idea of what is going on. As your character learns more and more about their surroundings, you also learn more and more about the world that they have found themselves in. There will be a wonderful google doc that everyone will have access to, which will contain notes (and probably some sarcastic comments) pertaining to what everyone knows about the world. *All the character start in the same room, however you don't have to work together throughout the whole RP. I'd be fine if everyone decided to go solo or if you wanted to make multiple teams of different individuals. That's up to you and your character. *Although you don't know what is in the fantasy world (remember, part of the fun is figuring it out), feel free to make suggestions about what you would(n't) like to see in this RP (e.g. "More focus on magic," or "Whatever you do absolutely NO HOBBITS.") I will definitely keep all of these in mind. *You're all human, at least for now. *This will never technically be completed- there will always be more and more for your character to figure out about the world. Hence "The Endless WIP."