[@Blackmist16][@tsukune] Hearing Bo out with the answers he gave, Troy could only think, what the hell what possess this kid to use such a dangerous power? Controlling the dead? Troy felt a sudden chill go up his spine thinking about that ability as the death of his closest friends/ family came to mind and how it left him a traumatic reminder of what he lost. So...he can't handle death very well. Could Bo possibly want to cause trouble with the power? Who knows but its probably better not to have this kid against him if he achieve this ability. Troy then answered calmly about what power he wanted. [color=0076a3]I'm applying for shadow manipulation....sounds like thats the power that fits me most.[/color] even though because of his build, he could've gone for super strength or something dealing with brute force but he had his reasons wanting shadow manipulation. [color=0076a3]but controlling death huh? Thats some serious shit...[/color]