[b]What is your favorite Elder Scrolls game?[/b] Morrowind. It's aged in terms of gameplay but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. [b]What is your favorite Elder Scrolls race?[/b] Dunmer. I'd add Dwemer but they're more Optimus Prime than a race now. [b]What is your favorite Elder Scrolls character or NPC from the games?[/b] I liked Baladas Demnevanni and Divayth Fyr. Caius Cosades is also a pretty cool guy. [b]Who is your daddy, and what does he do?[/b] He's a 60 year old scriptwriter who's somehow more athletic than me. [b]What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?[/b] Pistachio and [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dondurma]Dondurma.[/url]