"Not necessarily" Jammy said, "While that is the more conventional way of raising a family, Marx and myself goes to go another way, and he helped with the nurturing more then most dracon males would. He encouraged our children to follow their dreams as much as I did, and taught them to read and write" She said, moving plates to the table [hr] Prudence smiled brightly, snuggling back with Lysandra in her arms, against Railing. Lysandra giggled and waved pudgy little hands. "It wasn't really anything strange for me. Laurie is 13 years older then me, and she helped my mother look after me, so I guess I was just use to having humans around me. There were times when I realised it was stranger, but my human siblings played the same as me, did the same things, they just had tender skin and hair" She said giving a shrug. Sasha looked as Luca spoke with her, blinking, "Offspring enhancement? What do you mean by that?" She asked curiously, laying a hand on her stomach as if she could feel the egg.