[@VKAllen][@Slendy] Jacque continued to stare down Zarr as the white coat clad individual hovered in the air quietly. For a moment Jacque started to get annoyed at the lack of response to his question and was about to tell Zarr to piss off, however a shifting directly behind him stopped the man before the words could come out. He reluctantly took his eyes off of Zarr to see what it was to find Eva using him more or less as a meat shield. Jacque momentarily wondered if it was out of fear or distain that she chose to do so, then simply decided it wasn't really any of his business. His goal right now was to find his living quarters to put away his things, then report to his assigned examination room so he could run the gauntlet that would allow him to get what he'd come for. Jacque's face took on a rather deadpan expression as he calmly stepped around Eva and continued down the hall, not particularly caring at this point whether or not he was followed. Worst come to worst, he could simply shut himself in his quarters until both parties lost interest in him.