Did she really call him an idiot? Well, it shouldn't surprise him. Hal gave a grunt of his own when she moved him, not because of any pain, but because it somehow felt uncomfortably comfortable. He fell into silence at her viper speech about how the princess would have been ruined by the court had she still lived, but Hal kept his own opinions to himself, he had been there after all. Part of his job had been to educate her as well as keep her out of harm's way. Falling into his usual bar room silence he listened to the wind and the rain for a while, his thoughts imprisoned in his skull. The next thing Kat spoke off made his heart jump however. It made Hal hopeful that his ordeal to find this place had not been completely for naught. "You mean to say this wasn't a chance encounter after all?" How stupid that sounded when spoken out loud. After that he spend some more time churning on his thoughts about how things had ended this badly, not just for him, but everyone else who had been killed or scattered as well. They had been such a tight group of 'heroes', although even now the sound of it sounded bitter. The rain had stopped a little while back and Hal was done with the silence for now. It was time to get up and move on again. He gently nudged the girl a couple of times to wake her up. "We move." He said as he got up and out of the shelter. Staying as low as he could.