When Shawn left Olivia set about cleaning up the cabin some. She stored away last night's dirty dishes to be washed later, put the solar panels in a safe place. After that she rinsed off a bit and dressed in warm clothing. Thermal underwear, jeans, a thick sweater, wool socks and boots. Her gloves and jacket was nearby in case they might want to go out later. Olivia sifted through her supplies to see what they might be able to have for dinner. She had gotten plenty of granola bars from the outdoor shop in the department store. Those would be good enough for now, but she definitely wanted to find some more food soon. Olivia started to wonder if maybe she could find a cooking store to raid. Perhaps she could find a meat dehydrator. If so she could use the solar panels to power it and she could make jerky from whatever she could hunt or catch--deer, rabbits, even dried fish. It would keep for a while and she and Shawn could start making a food store. She'd have to bring it up to him whenever he came back. As Olivia went about her tasks she hummed happily to herself. It was nice, she thought, having someone else around again. Someone she could trust, someone she loved, someone to talk to. If she hadn't met Shawn, Olivia probably would have continued getting along just fine. She would have still been lonely, yes, but she would still be able to survive easily. But with Shawn things were even better. She was safer, she wasn't lonely anymore. Olivia loved him. She really did. It might have been soon, but in this world they now lived now you had to act and act quickly no matter what it was. As Olivia thought of Shawn she felt her heart swelling with joy once more. She tried to wait patiently for him to come back, and when she finally heard the knock she almost jumped at the door. She managed to keep her composure though, and instead she calmly but happily greeted him by saying, "Welcome back."