"[color=bc8dbf]Ahh, yes. Looking good.[/color]" Ernestine clicked her tongue as she walked past a shop and saw her own reflection. "[color=bc8dbf]As always,[/color]" she rolled her eyes with a smug smile, slightly shaking her head as if to say "[i]why am I stating the obvious?"[/i] She confidently strolled down the street and pulled her leather jacket closer to her body -- not because she felt cold, but because it made her look attractive doing so. However, the air certainly was starting to get chilly. She perked up, suddenly recalling something. "[color=bc8dbf]Winter,[/color]" she whispered to herself with a small smile, her eyes showing a hint of mischief. "[color=bc8dbf]The best season for stirring up trouble. I love it,[/color]" she chuckled in excitement. Ernestine was definitely in high spirits today. She was going to get busy very soon. She hummed gleefully as she mentally planned how she'd entertain herself this season. [i][color=bc8dbf]Snow storm? People slipping and breaking a bone or two? People getting sick? Hmm.. Ah, what about a massive snow storm where people would have to get locked inside their homes? Even better if they didn't get to stock up on food.[/color][/i] An open cafeteria came into view, and as soon as the goddess of chaos strolled by, a costumer choked on his food, coughing loudly, alarming other people on his table and causing a slight panic. "[color=bc8dbf]Aww man, this is no fun. What about a fire?[/color]" She whined. From a distance, a young woman came running outside of a building, "Fire! Someone please help, there's a fire!" She screamed in panic. A long sigh dragged out of her lips, a scowl plastered on her face. None of these entertained her at all. "[color=bc8dbf]Someone save me from this misery,[/color]" she groaned, feeling annoyed of how bored she was. Suddenly, the goddess froze in her tracks. She squinted her eyes in deep thought before slowly whipping her head to the direction of the cafe right across the road. Her head tilted slightly to the right as she gazed, hardly willing to believe, and yet convinced. She took a deep breathe, her gaze never leaving the man in the cafe. "[color=bc8dbf]Ahh, I've missed this scent. The smell of death itself.[/color]" She chuckled to herself, a smirk plastered on her lips. She felt her blood boil in excitement. The thrill caused a shiver to run down her spine. She suddenly felt empowered, inviting alot of chaotic energy around her, wrapping around her like a blanket. She could feel warmth run up from her hands to her face. It didn't take long before a scene played out infront of her. Everything happened so fast, it was almost a blur. She could see her dearest brother flee with a young boy. Amare, she assumed. She had never spoken to him, but she had always known how fond Brontes was of him. She was quickly snapped out of her trance when two cars collided infront of her. There was a loud crash and a series of yells from passersby. A couple of people took out their phones, quickly snapping pictures of the incident, while others pulled out their phones to make a call. The others ran to check in on the drivers, while others simply walked by, too busy to care. "[color=bc8dbf]Oops. I got excited,[/color]" she shrugged nonchalantly with an amused smile. She glanced one more time towards the cafe, but there was no more sign of them. "[color=a187be]Everything just keeps getting better and better,[/color]" she chuckled lightly, flipped her hair over her shoulder, and continued her stroll down the street in a very casual manner. A menacing smile slowly made it's way to her lips, and her eyes glimmered in amusement. "[color=bc8dbf]We're going to have lots of fun~[/color]"