One hundred Mamodo also called imps, underlings, or monsters go to Earth every 1,000 years to battle to be the king of the Mamodo world. Mamodo come to the human world to compete in the King's Festival, a tournament held every 1,000 years to decide the Mamodo King. The 100 contestants are chosen by the Mamodo School Principal and the current King of the Mamodo World and sent to the human world with their books. Mamodos are very different from ordinary humans, although most take on a humanoid appearance. Mamodos are stronger, faster, and have greater endurance than humans. They can increase these attributes through training. Also, they can recover from injuries faster than humans. There are many types of Mamodo, with maby different types of spells. Mamodo-type is based on elements pf everyday life like: Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Lightning, Gravity, Ice, Metal, Machines, and much more. Each Mamodo needs a human partner in order to use his or her spell book, a book that seals the powers of the Mamodo. When read aloud, the spells are cast by the Mamodo producing many effects. If the spell book is burned, the Mamodo is forced to return to the Mamodo world, and they lose all claim to the position of the Mamodo king. While the spells in each book typically are different for each Mamodo, there are Mamodo that share spells. The human and their Mamodo gain these spells through experience and hard work. The last Mamodo standing without their book burnt is the new Mamodo king. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Occupation: Mamodo Name: Mamodo Gender: Mamodo’s power: List of Spells: (Maximum is ten) Bio: Appearance: Mamodo Appearance: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Seth Rush Age: 27 Gender: Male Occupation: Mechanic Mamodo Name: Drake Mamodo Gender: Male Mamodo’s power: Shadow Manipulation List of Spells: [u][b]Kage:[/b][/u] Drake’s shadow extends, rises off the ground, and splits into tendrils to constrict opponents. [u][b]Kage no ayatsuri ningyō:[/b][/u] Drake’s shadow rise from the ground to create a puppet. [u][b]Kage no tamago: [/b][/u] Drake’s shadow creates an egg shield that surrounds him to protect him from attacks. [u][b]Kage sanpo:[/b][/u] Drake is able to teleport to different shadows in the area. [u][b]Doku no kage:[/b][/u] Drake’s Shadow extends and splits into snake head vines with thrones along their bodies. [u][b]Kage no buki:[/b][/u] Drake’s shadow it able to take the shape of weapons. (Only able to create two at a time) [u][b]Kage ryū:[/b][/u] Drake’s shadow extends and creates a massive dragon. [u][b]Akumu shōkōgun:[/b][/u] Drake collects all the shadows around him into a massive dome that creates illusions and nightmares for his opponents. (Can only be used twice in one day) [u][b]Shi wa anata o karimasu:[/b][/u] Drake collects all the shadows around him and fuses with them to create a monster of pure darkness. (Can only be used once per-day) Bio: Seth, alongside his three friends Race, Harley, and Jake work at Seth’s father’s garage. When Seth went to collage for his automotive degree he met his three friends and when they graduated they began working for Seth’s father. Seth and his friends loved working there and soon made a reputation for themselves as reliable mechanics. About three months ago Seth herd something in the garage around three AM. He took a bat from under his bed and went down stairs to the garage. He found a small child rummaging through nuts and bolts mumbling about fish. Seth placed the bat on the floor and confronted the child. The child told him who he was and why he was there. Seth seemed to just laugh at the notion of a child from another world who had super powers. Drake however, showed him his book and told Seth to read the first spell. Seth humored the child and read the first spell. To Seth’s surprise Drake’s shadow rose up and grabbed a bunch of tools on the wall. After that Seth was told of a war going on between others of his kind. Seth listened and when Drake was done he asked Seth if he’d help him become the next Mamodo king. Drake wanted to stop all the fighting and wanted the Mamodo and human world to be fused together so the Mamodo’s who made human friends didn’t have to be apart from them. Drake wanted all the fighting to stop and both worlds to live in harmony. Seth nodded and agreed to it, but on one condition. His work wouldn’t be affected by all the battles. Drake couldn’t promise his father’s garage wouldn’t be targeted, but Drake did promise he’d defend it with his life. The next day Seth introduced Drake to Race, Harley, and Jake. At first they didn’t believe Seth that Drake could do something supernatural. That all changed when Seth read the first spell, but instead of the three running in terror. They were amazed and soon befriended Drake. Since Seth and his friends loved supernatural movies, TV shows, and watched a massive amount of anime. They found themselves enthralled with Drake’s world and everything Mamodos can do. Since Seth lived above the garage and had a guest room he rarely used, he let Drake live with him. Drake was enthralled with the work Seth and his friends did on cars. Drake tried to help, but since he didn’t know how cars worked or operated he found himself helping by getting tools and items for Seth and the others. In the three months Seth and Drake were able to unlock the first three spells of the spell book. After facing off with two other people with Mamodos. It seemed things were quieting down, but Seth knew there was always a claim before the storm. [hider=Appearance:] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Mamodo Appearance:] [img][/img] [/hider] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: 1. No Godmoding 2. Have fun 3. No killing other peoples characters 4. Each character has only unlocked three spells so far, but as the RPG goes on you’ll be able to unlock the rest. 5. Be respectful