[@NekoJordan][@Blackmist16][@tsukune] Troy never revealed why he wanted the power in the first place since he thought his ideas were a little dark....then again...he was proven otherwise after hearing what Bo just told them. Giving a "hmph" while still having his arms crossed. he looked at Rei to see what his thought were on Bo's reasoning for wanting Necromancy..but...Troy had no room to talk or ridicule anyone because it's damn near what he had in mind when it came to dealing with the crime organization that wiped out the only family he had. [color=0076a3]The way you take, you make yourself sound more like a villain than an avenger...but...we all have our reasons for wanting these abilities.[/color] Looking over at Rei wondering why he applied for the ability he wanted. Now it was a intriguing how Bo went on about becoming a trio. A dark trio who, by the looks on Bo's face, could cause plenty of trouble and damage to anyone who would stand in their way. Troy could team up with these two youngsters and they could help him take out his enemies. But...what next? what would they get involved in with these powers? He could already tell Bo probably had mayhem in his mind but this team thing was not a sure guarantee. They needed to agree to this first and have rules...if any if they were to form up. With an amused smirk [color=0076a3]Team? don't you think you're getting a little ahead of yourself bruh? What would we do in this so-called "Dark Triad"?[/color] he asked. At the mention of having a new visitor, Troy could hear the footsteps getting closer as he looked over towards the door wondering who this person could be. He wondered what reaction they would get being that it's an older black guy in the bathroom with two teenage boys. This was going to be interesting...