When Zaheer befriends anyone, usually it's from the interest of seeing the person do something awesome and with his childlike enthusiasm and interest in simple things, he tends to idolize them. This time around, Zaheer felt that this "metal guy" was someone worth being around since he was offered a snack in Dimitri's container. Zaheer loves food, so he grabbed a handful of what was offered to him, stuffing his face. When Dimitri introduced himself and mentioned his hero name, Zaheer gave a few nods and tried saying his name while his mouth was full but as soon as he swallowed everything down, [color=ed1c24]Di-mi-tri...Dimi-tri....Dimi- can i call you metal guy?[/color] Since he thought it would sound cooler. Zaheer had a low attention span, so.. more than likely it would take a few times before learning to call upon the person by their actual given name. [color=ed1c24]Nice to meet you too! I bet you can deflect bullets and stuff and break things with that metal can't you?[/color] he asked while the gym was still filling up. [@MonsieurShade]