The Demon's eyes flickered upwards at his second in command as she entered. Even with his long experience on this planet and being well used tot his body, even he couldn't help but feel that sudden surge of feeling that came with being in the same room with her. The woman exuded sexuality, breathed it, lived it and yet her face was the picture of the innocence of youth. The feeling was quickly and easily quelled, but the fact that she could affect him at all was a testament to her skills. Succubi were such wondrous creatures, and so very annoying. Even now, as he felt himself almost forced to run his pale blue eyes over her form, poorly hidden by that silken, velvet dress that she wore. It should have annoyed him, but all he could do was smile. He wouldn't trust the woman with a pound note but she was incredibly beautiful. "You arrived, how nice," He said, not standing and turning his eyes back to the newspaper, feeling that chill of pleasure as he felt her tongue moving over his skin. Again, he should have been annoyed, but they had played this game for far to long. All he did was smile and instead of fighting the sensation, he reveled in it, enjoyed it. The only thing that kept him sane in his long, long life was the fact that he could enjoy the simple pleasures of life. The simple laughs. Besides, fighting the sensations only made them stronger. That was how the Succubus worked. "I have a feeling you have been wanting to do that for at least 50 years," He looked firmly into her eyes, idly running his hand over the patch of wet skin. One eyebrow raised when she spoke of news," Oh? You sure you don't want to... share this information with me beforehand, or just let me pretend I already knew of it when you share it with our fellow Council members. You know I hate having to pretend," He leaned back in his seat, his eyes flickering towards the door where another one of their extended family stepped in. He smiled. A young demon, comparatively, but she was bubbling with promise. Her origins, both on earth and in the world below were still a mystery, and unlike most people, Mephistos liked mysteries. Again, the small pleasures of life. "Oh, same old, same..." He paused in the middle of sentence. Was he really going with pleasant and inane banter? He was growing soft in his old age. He left his sentence where it was and went back to reading his paper.