Another minor Soul Stone clattered to the rooftop as the remains of the Youkai crumbled to ash and faded away. With a quiet sigh Jin glanced at his surroundings and the numerous drops that had been left behind by the dead creatures. Dozens of dull Soul Stones littered the rooftop, but not quite enough to bother the Merchant with just yet. A dark gem was pulled from one of the pouches on his belt, black miasma oozing from it, and he crushed it with a clench of his hand. A dark cloud burst from it as a result, blanketing him for a moment before it was carried away on a non-existent wind. The air grew heavy, the shadows darkened, and Jin settled for the incoming horde. From the darkness they bubbled into existence, limbs of all manners burst outwards to drag them into reality. Malignant growths appear in the sky above him and burst to spew forth half-formed Youkai, their bodies twisting unnaturally as they solidify and become whole. Throughout all this Jin barely bat an eye as the figure above him laid an armored hand over the ethereal bolt of its sniper rifle. With nary a sound the piece is drawn back to load a non-existent round. There is no indication that the weapon has been fired–no sound, no recoil the metal-clad spirit experienced–yet one of the crazed existences above their heads burst as the round tore through its malformed body. He felt eyes lock onto him, their attention turned to this one unlike them, but Jin simply flourished his hands and charged towards the creatures within his reach. It was no fight. Dozens of the Youkai died before they can even fully materialize and act. Of those that manage to retaliate, Jin carved through their bodies with ease. The flesh of those recently born proved to be fragile and their forms readily fell apart with each of his strikes. The ones above fared even worse. With pinpoint accuracy, his soul picked out each target and blasted them from the skies. Mangled corpses fade before they can even hit the roof, and the pitter patter of Soul Stones against the tiles is music to his ears. Certainly much better than the Feral Youkais' maddening screams and howls. A few minutes later and the air cleared, the oppressive feeling carried away with the wholesale slaughter Jin had just performed. He nudged the dropped Soul Stones into a pile at the center of rooftop, knelt, held his left arm over it, and twisted the bracelet in a certain fashion. A drop of his blood was offered as it clicked into place, and Jin turned aside as the pile began to glow with an intense light that would have blinded him otherwise. The procedure didn’t take very long as usual, and when he looked again there were two distinct objects present. A pure red gem and a pile of black dust, the two pieces of a Soul Stone separated from one another. Both were gathered and placed into separate pouches, and with a final glance around Jin left the rooftop. [hr]While his original intention had been to visit Feng’s teashop for a moment, something on his way there caught Jin’s attention instead. His feet tore up the roof as he brought himself to a halt and changed his path. Airborne for but a moment, the streetlight bent and strained under his weight, but ultimately held. He hung easily with an arm as he glanced at the Youkai, her skin tone sort of gave it away, he had intercepted. [color=39b54a]“Busy night?” [/color]Jin asked as he gestured to the blood that had dried to the collar of her clothes.