[hider=Xiu Yong] [center] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.yoyowall.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Anime-Girl-Tatoo.jpg[/img] [hider=back tattoos and usual clothing] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/13842419/large.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20120712/tattoos%20artwork%20anime%20girls%201344x2123%20wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_57.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] Name: Xiu Yong Super Name: Lóng de Xīnniáng (Pronounced Lon-de-shi-ni-ang) Age: 17 Human/Machine/Other: Human Powers: [u]Pyrokinesis[/u] The psychic ability to manipulate or create fire. In Xiu's case, her fire is quite special. Changing color based on her uses for it, her fire can be used to both destroy and regenerate. Orange and Red Fire - The most basic and most practical. Used from attacks to the day to day things like lighting candles. White Fire - A soft healing fire that does best with healing external injuries. In [i]theory[/i], it could bring the dead back to life should a body be set over the open flame, though this has never been tried. She is unable to use it on herself. Blue Fire - In an intense and emotional event (or in the need of its practicality), Blue Fire may present itself. It may be used similarly to that of Orange and Red Fire, but the intense heat of the flames have proven to melt through steel and other dense metals. [u]Typhokinesis[/u] Smoke manipulation, her use of it primarily rests on the ability to phase into smoke and travel through the air. Allows for travel through air vents and evasive tactics. A combination of smoke and fire can rocket Xiu into the air so long as she can focus her energy into it. Weakness: [u]Not Thermal Resistant[/u] It'd be very easy for Xiu to burn herself alive if she's not careful [u]Fire on the Water[/u] Being wet, or immersed in water, ceases her ability to create or manipulate fire at all. Personality: Xiu is a peaceful individual. For one who manipulates fire, she's surprisingly placid and difficult to anger. She enjoys spending time alone, reading, writing and practicing playing musical instruments. When not doing any of those things she loves long walks through the town, trying new restaurants and shopping. She's quite elegant, taking time to try new things when possible and rarely ever uses the word 'no.' Oddly enough, shes drawn more to people who are quite the opposite of her and loves spending time with them. Grade: 3rd Club: She hops from club to club, hoping for one to stick. Other: POWERS -An exchange student from China -Her real name translates to Elegant Bravery -Her super name translates to Bride of the Dragon -Her family legend evidently states that a thief made a deal with a dragon god when caught that he could take his daughter as his wives. Never stating that it was limited to the generation at the time, all daughters of the Yong lineage were granted the gift of fire (perhaps as a promise of betrothal) for a time before being taken as a bride of the dragon god. Though, these days, most of the Yong girls laugh about the legend as it's skipped several generations and nearly been forgotten about before Xiu was allegedly chosen. -Though she laughs it off with her family, she greatly fears dying in her own flames and being the bride of the dragon god in the afterlife. -Her tattoos are actually the mark of the dragon that appear when a bride has been chosen. They bear no power on their own and act merely as a mark of lineage. -Out of the many instruments she spends time learning to play, she favors the piano [/center][/hider]