"Hey, don't worry! You have... well, me, but I'll be sure to do everything in my power to protect you. Not like you can protect yourself, but still. Two's better than one, right?" Ekko said, as he tried comforting his friend. Without saying much, she shook her head and stood up. She got some of the food we had found and made some breakfast for both of them. It was simple, yet a good way to start the day of. "You know... I never had food like this... it's amazing! You're cooking skills are really good!" He said, as he stuffed his face with the food that was displayed to him. Riven smiled, as she never had been complimented like this. That alone made Ekko happy as well. He glanced at the window which was open, letting in sunlight. Those two things combined made the boy look forward to what lied ahead. Some time after that, they prepared to leave. As much as they wanted it to be a trip, it wasn't. It was a case of survival. But outside was a surprise that they did not expect. The corpses that where on the ground started moving. Was the radiation effecting them? If so, it made no sense... but why or how they got up wouldn't matter. If they wanted to get out of there, they'd need to fight. "Riven, my bat, I'm going to need it!" He said, as they we're preparing for a pretty big fight.