"With proper treatment and rest I can have these completely healed in 2 days. Not a trace of scab or scars. If you don't want to bother with waiting here for that long, you can leave immediately after I finish. You'll need to keep the bandages on for 5 to 7 days though. You must not remove them before 5 days have passed." The rest of the woman's words seemed to blur, all she really heard was that the dwarf would be out of commission for the next three days. Isabeau was a bit taken back by the response from the woman. She had come in here with just a few scratches and burns from the fight, and now she was being offered a chance to get rid of the scars that had haunted her these last few years. Her mouth became dry and suddenly it was hard to speak. [color=darkcyan]"I'm not sure we could be out of commission for that long, m'lady. Yes, the fight against that last threat is over but ... there is something else coming. I just feel it."[/color] The scars on her back and shoulders, the rings around her wrists, they had, for so long, brought her so much turmoil. They were a constant reminder of her past, but after carrying that burden for so long, could she truly let it go? She cleared her throat and sat up straight. [color=darkcyan]"Forgive me m'lady, I believe the dwarf was in more need of your help than I. All that I was looking for was treatment of the burns and lacerations from this most recent battle. I will follow what orders you give for that treatment, and that treatment alone, and to the best of my ability. But the sooner we can all return to the battlefield, the better. This town has no chance without us all. -We- have no chance of surviving it all if we just sit here on our asses waiting for our boo boo's to heal up."[/color]. Her face reddened as she ended what turned into a rant. She didn't know why she didn't take the chance to remove the scars, or where the courage came from to stand up to the healer. Courage or stupidity, she couldn't tell yet - she felt antsy, and knew they couldn't stay there. [color=darkcyan][i]3 days ... this woman is insane if she thinks we can sit here in this bloody shithole for that long and come out of it alive ... If I have to take this smell for three days, I'll die of suffocation. The demons won't even have a chance to eat the fat off my bones, it would just rot and melt right back into the ground before I make it out of here.[/i][/color] Her kept her thoughts to herself, but the discomfort was still there. Every muscle in her body twitched with it. She growled softly, but it was more directed at herself. Why did she have to be so difficult sometimes? More than anything, she just wanted out. [@The Fated Fallen] [@Dragoknighte] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]