[center]:::[b]District One[/b] | [b]CCG HeadQuarters, Mid-day[/b]::: [img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y404/AbigailTenshi/Recolouring%20TG%20Agent_zpszrnsyw4s.png[/img] [color=F0E68C][i]'Drab day, really.'[/i][/color][/center] The taps of slightly heeled shoes echoed under the bubble of noises and chatting within the hallways of the CCG. The taps stopped at a certain destination before an office door was softly opened. [color=F0E68C][b]"Rank 1 Atsuro Volke? Rank 2 Muto Kenji and Adrian Kassanai?"[/b][/color] A stern womanly voice called once she was within the room. Looking around with her pale red seared with gold eyes, she scanned the busy room for the faces of her Squad members. [color=F0E68C][b]"I believe the time has come to head to the destination. I will not wait a minute longer for anyone nor tolerate insolence."[/b][/color] In truth, Miyoko was rather disappointed with the assignment she was given, Kazuyaka was always given the more dangerous investigations to resolve... But not for long. Miyoko was determined to show her Squad's worth, thus getting this case done and finished with as soon as possible would certainly prove something. She wanted more responsibility, however she'd have to show through her own Squad that she was deserving of it first. Other investigators were also working within the room, one unable to help a slight smirk dot across their face at the sight of First Class Miyoko Ruri. [b]"Lost your investigators Ruri? How irresponsible of you"[/b] [center][hider=First Class Investigator Furen Sumoya][img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y404/AbigailTenshi/prussiaxmale_reader__beyond_friends__by_yukinakou-d5jgvtx_zpsik0ijgss.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] A blonde-haired man spoke up from his seat at his desk, gaining eye-contact with Miyoko for a moment before the woman narrowed her eyes to slits. [color=F0E68C][b]"Don't be absurd Sumoya."[/b][/color] Looking away, Miyoko walked a little closer into the room before Sumoya chuckled and responded. [b]"Heh, in denial of your own irresponsible behaviour. This is why I'm the more superior First Class investigat-" [color=F0E68C]"Oh just shut up."[/color] "[i]Heyyyy[/i] lighten up heheh, you're way too uptight Ruri"[/b] Cracking yet another smirk, Sumoya clutched a can of Cola placed on his desk before lifting the top to his lips and titling the beverage to sip it. Miyoko chose to ignore his comment, waiting for her member's to respond or atleast for an update of their location.