[@MonsieurShade] Seeing how Jacque continually set his sights at Zarr, Eva looked beyond his shoulder up towards the flying madman before retreating again. She didn't want anything to do with the scientists. Almost every single occassion had ended in some gory death or freak accidents. And on every occassion that happened-- Zarr was the only person standing and laughing at everything. Jacque's expression from a form of curiosity staight up turned uninterested and simply damn annoyed that nothing had been said. That face when he should just no longer care anymore because it was getting him nowhere. Eva continued to stay behind him but he eventually had enough of this encounter. He turned around and left the two behind. However as soon as Eva saw Zarr in plain sight was enough to make her turnaround and leave at Jacque's direction with an awry pace. Her brows pushed forward worriedly. [color=f49ac2]"Hey, don't leave me with him!"[/color] She said promptly afterwards.