[color=bc8dbf][b]"Another one bites the dust! Hah! That makes 6 tonight, I'm on a fucking roll!"[/b][/color] - [b]"K-Kuu have mercy I was..."[/b] The white robbed man proceeded to kick the on the ground lying two-horned blue skinned oni which body was cut clean from his lower half. [color=bc8dbf][b]"SHUT YOUR DIRTY MOUTH! Don't you fucking dare to speak to me in our language."[/b][/color] Regardless, while [i]mercy[/i] may have been the wrong word, the Chaser knew he shouldn't spend too much time bathing in his victory, after all, if the regeneration of the Oni would kick in, he might have to repeat the entire fight. [color=bc8dbf] [b]"Now die."[/b][/color] Preparing 1 white pieces of paper, the man threw them into the air. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Kill it!"[/b][/color] The paper started to glow and increase in size until it changed it's form into some woman lookalike who finished the on the ground lying oni with a dropkick towards its head before disappearing itself. As the remains of the now for sure dead Oni faded away the man sacked the Soul Stone for himself. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Huh, that one's actually larger than I anticipated."[/b][/color] That was obviously nothing to worry about, and his haughty smile became even haughtier. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Alright, now t- WHO'S THERE?"[/b][/color] Readying 3 more paper charms the Chaser took a defensive position while turning towards a old brick wall where a girl was now standing. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Just...how?"[/b][/color] He hadn't noticed her earlier, not to mention there was no way she could have gotten behind him like that. [color=f26522][b]"Ruu?"[/b][/color] Ruu was hungry. Very hungry. And the man smelled unique. There was a mix of all kinds of flavours, flavours that Ruu might have been able to categorize if she knew anything other than Youkai or human meat in the first place. But that didn't matter, the amount of blood that he spilled this night put a sweet aroma over his dangerous and forbidden feeling own scent. Ruu wanted him, her entire tiny frame was trembling upon the mere thought of feasting this person. Now, that she took a few steps forward out of the shadow, the dim light revealed more of her features, which ultimately made the man drop his defense. Every human did that for some reason, they were all the same in that regards. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Just...a little girl? Argh, can't be bothered, just my fuckin luck, ey?"[/b][/color] Speaking to himself he now called out to Ruu. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Hey annoying br-"[/b][/color] He forced a smile and bowed down a bit. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Hey little one, did you get l-"[/b][/color] And that was Ruu's chance. The time she spend in this thing place, called [i]city,[/i] taught her that some humans were even harder prey than Youkai, and making them drop their defense allowed Ruu to end it in an instant, most of the time. Already wet in anticipation of the meal she was about to have, Ruu crawled down and jumped towards, aiming her mouth towards the mans neck he reacted. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Aaarrrghhh! BLOODY HELL! GET OFF ME!"[/b][/color] Ruu was happy. As vile as the man seemed, the taste was better than she anticipated, and while she got his upper left arm instead of his throat, it was a success nonetheless. Dazed from that wonderful taste, the small girl didn't mind getting punched over and over again, that was, until his hand started to glow and the next punch catapulted her towards the very same wall she emerged from earlier. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Argh, my fuckin' arm. I gonna kill you. I GONNA FUCKIN KILL YOU."[/b][/color] Pulling out 8 paper charms with his healthy arm, he started to chant: [center][i][color=bc8dbf]"Hence, authority with six legs, six joints, six wings. Evil insects more numerous than sands of ocean, all consuming even the star of heaven. Heed your King's -- my call and assemble here. And at moment of all bloodshed and carnage, even the name of God will bend to my will. Greedily eat away and swarm them all. [b]Come forth, Gogmagog![/b]"[/color][/i][/center] Throwing the charms into the air, they each flew towards a specific position to create the corner-stones for what seemed to look like a pentagram. From which soon after, a [url=http://i.imgur.com/eLyBwR7.jpg]strange creature[/url] emerged, giving off a buzzing sound from thousand upon thousand of small insects. That last one actually hurt. Ruu was just being dazed for a few seconds and suddenly, the delicious male summoned some Youkai to his side. Unlike the man however, the smell of that being was terrifying, so terrifying that Ruu's desiring body was actually disgusted. [color=f26522][b]"Ruu..."[/b][/color] It wasn't a call out for help or anything. But in that moment, a sharp line in the air that cut away the fabric of reality itself appeared besides Ruu. Forced to be some sort of hole by a pair of hands that ripped the line into an opening, another Youkai emerged: Terror. Stepping forth the [i]portal[/i] closed as sudden as it appeared. [b][color=bc8dbf]"Oh? Are you mayhaps getting mind controlled? Is that Youkai your host? Not that I care. KILL THAT FILTHY BITCH!"[/color][/b] Pointing his finger towards Terror, the beast attacked simply with its body mass. Terror retaliated by shooting multiple energy projectiles at it, but highly ineffective, the female Neverborn quickly evaded Gogmagog while also taking care of Ruu, who she simply dropped off on the low roof of a building. Meanwhile, the mass of black insects swarmed the entirety of the streets bellow. [color=bc8dbf][b]"BWAHAHA! TREMBLE BEFORE IT'S POWER! There is no way you can beat it!"[/b][/color] Urgh, that sucked. Ruu knew that Terror was fighting on an entirely different level than herself, and the fact he wasn't dead yet was not a good sign. Still, Ruu was at least capable of concluding if the [i]Summoner[/i] would die then they didn't have to deal with this nasty smelling Youkai. She didn't want to eat it anyways, that's how horrible it was smelling! Giving Terror to understand, she didn't hesitate one second to dash towards the Chaser. [color=a187be][b]"Fool!"[/b][/color] Throwing 5 new paper charms in front of him they formed a barrier that completely blocked Terror's physical assault, leaving her wide open for a counter attack. [color=f26522][b]"TERROR!"[/b][/color] Calling out in fear for her dear [i]friend,[/i] Ruu actually called out those words in [i]human tongue.[/i] Terror was now completely engulfed inside the black insect swarm as the Chaser quickly retreated to a safer position. [color=f26522][b]"RUU!"[/b] [/color]This time, two horrible looking black dogs emerged out of Ruu's shadow and quickly made haste towards the Chaser. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Even more?"[/b] [/color]Pulling out another 4 charms, he threw the first two towards one dog, and the other two towards the other one. While one of the Pack members managed to dodge, the other one got hit by both of them and was promptly engulfed in a very tight web of light, that quickly started to squeeze it into death. The other dog actually made it to the chaser, aiming for the throat also, the man simply turned to use his already damaged arm as an improvised shield. And just like with Ruu, his free fist glowed again, but this time the entire dog [i]disappeared[/i] instead of getting knocked back. The other one actually managed to split into multiple parts and quickly retreated into the safety of Ruu's shadow on her command. [color=f26522][b]"Terror!"[/b][/color] Calling out again, a blue shimmer erupted from within the ravaging collective of the Youkai that soon erupted into a light pillar, burning away every part of Gogmagog. [color=f26522][b]"Terror!"[/b][/color] Now, Ruu sounded happy, with Terror being mostly unharmed by shielding herself in the last moment and Gogmagog now gone, the Chasers was hers! [color=bc8dbf][b]"Ha...Ha...Haha...HAHAHAHA! Do you r-"[/b][/color] Just as he was about to explain, Terror, once again, closed the distance between herself and the enemy. [color=bc8dbf][b]"URGH! SHIT! YOU FUCKIN SHITHEAD!"[/b][/color] Doing it once again, the Chaser avoided being cut in half and instead lost now his entire left arm. [color=bc8dbf] [b]"HO-RA-KEN!"[/b][/color] Yelling out those words under his pain, an energy burst made sure to push Terror away to avoid any further assaults for the time being.[color=bc8dbf] [b]"GET EM!"[/b][/color] Out of nowhere, the countless insects once again assaulted Terror, putting her onto the defensive again. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Haha..."[/b][/color] Coughing up some blood, the chaser continued. [color=bc8dbf][b]"As I was just about to tell you! My Gogmagog ins invincible!"[/b][/color] [color=a2d39c][b]"You see the portal up there? How about destroying the paper charms?"[/b][/color] A voice inside Ruu now suggested in a language only Ruu and her Neverborn understood completely. It was Faust. [color=a2d39c][b]"And while I'm at it. We should quickly get away from here. This fight isn't very...subtle."[/b][/color] Faust gave a mental sigh. He was actually surprised that not even Terror realized the weak point of that binding spell. If not for their silly attention attracting fight there was a chance that Terror could even have temporary died, which would have only worked in Faust's favour. Not to mention that Chaser managed to kill one of Ruu's Pack members too. As if having some sort of mental link, Terror didn't waste any second and 8 energy projectiles soon destroyed the charms that were forming the pentagram. [color=bc8dbf][b]"FUCK!"[/b][/color] The sound of the swarm died down in the same instant, while not disappearing, the insects simply died down. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!"[/b][/color] He drew another 8 charms, most likely ready to form the same spell again. [color=bc8dbf][b]"FUCK!"[/b][/color] The Chaser fumbled, dropping two of the charms onto the ground he nervously grabbed into his endless bag of paper charms again. By then, it was too late, having lost his cool just by that, Terror closed in once again and cut the man into two. [color=bc8dbf][b]"F-"[/b][/color] Ruu...won? Yes, she won. But the girl felt down nonetheless, one of her dogs died, a dear [i]friend[/i] that she spend a lot of time with. Sure, The Pack was kinda countless, but each one was a dear individual to her nonetheless. That sadness however was soon overtaken by the growing desire to actually eat now. Sure, the smell of the countless dead small bodies was still present, but the rainbow coloured scent of the Chaser was as fresh as ever in her mind. Finally jumping down from the building she happily hugged Terror for her job well done. Giving Ruu a small bow the white Neverborn simply dissapeared on the spot. Clapping her two hands together Ruu joyfully said. [color=f26522][b]"Itadakimasu!"[/b] [/color]Sure, she didn't know much of the human language, but with the bits she got from those picture books that some humans carried on themselves, she knew that this was some sort of gesture they simply did. Ruu didn't know the meaning behind it, but she liked the sound of the words, and it made her more happy than she already was. Ignoring Faust's complains about how they had to get out of here, she could finally dig in! And with her first bite, even the smell around the little Youkai was forgotten, the world around her was forgotten, it tasted even better than she imagined. If Ruu had actually been capable of understanding the Chaser she might have wondered how a guy like him could taste so good, but she did not, and all that mattered was that wonderful, sweet, warm taste. Ruu wanted more, and more, and more, it felt simply too good... .