[center][b][h1]Maddox vs Grant battle part two[/h1][/b][/center] The Iron Enigma mage didn't seem to react until right before the kick would connect, when he suddenly dodged and moved for a counterattack at high speed. [color=ed1c24][i]Oh, so he's fast,[/i][/color] Maddox thought, kicking off the ground backwards and narrowly dodging Grant's open palm strike. Apparently he attempted a magical attack, Link Bodies were the words he used. After he landed again, Maddox slid backwards on his feet another meter. [color=ed1c24][i]He was pretty confident that I wouldn't play some trick there,[/i][/color] Maddox thought, his red eyes settling on Grant's own gaze. [color=ed1c24][i]I suppose I can't take him too lightly. He genuinely wants to hurt me, after all.[/i][/color] Maddox removed his hands from his jacket pockets now. It was a small detail, but one perhaps Phoenix Wing veterans would recognize. Maddox had fought and sparred with others in the past, always losing to them in the end. But he would always keep his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Now that his hands were free, Maddox asserted a fighting stance of his own. His stance was close, but his left arm was stretched out with his palm facing Grant. It was clear now that he was a martial artist, judging by stance alone. [color=ed1c24]"I underestimated your speed,"[/color] Maddox confessed, rotating his right foot slightly. [color=ed1c24]"I don't intend to find out what exactly your magic will do to me, however. Let's leave that a mystery."[/color] The red-haired mage then charged forward, closing the gap between himself and Grant in no time. He brought his left leg up again for a kick, but it was only a feint. Midway through the strike he pulled his leg back and bent inwards, before rotating his upper body completely for a roundhouse with his right leg. He was yet to use his magic, but even without it Maddox was quite fast. The crowd began to roar once he charged forward, as it was just how Grant predicted. The fight had truly begun. Grant chuckled a little as Maddox spoke, amused. [color=crimson]"I guess you could call it speed. As for what my magic will do to you, it all depends on which magic I use."[/color] His smile took on a sinister edge, and the magic circle appeared again in his eye when Maddox launched his attack, and he ignored the feint. However, when Maddox launched into the roundhouse, before it got much momentum, it would land squarely in Grant's hand. His blood staining the fabric of Maddox's pants, Grant would let go with the attack stopped, and in his hand a crude-looking knife formed. He would slash forward with it, almost lazily, but fast enough that even when Maddox dodged small splatters of blood would get on his clothes. [color=crimson]"Offensive body link magic isn't the only thing I'm known for, after all."[/color] Grant would place a hand on his chest, a magic circle appearing, though Grant didn't say anything this time. Once he was done, he crossed his arms, the knife he had had was now gone, and he awaited Maddox's next move. It was clear he wasn't going to play this match offensively. Or, at least, no more offensively than he had to. [color=crimson]"But, I'll stick to it, for now."[/color] Grant wasn't slow, nor was he weak. He was able to block Maddox's surprise kick. [color=ed1c24][i]Interesting.[/i][/color] Afterwards he created a knife out of blood and began slashing, prompting Maddox to jump backwards and keep dodging. [color=ed1c24][i]I probably have to use my magic to beat him. Standard combat isn't making much progress.[/i][/color] The red-haired mage landed a safe distance away once Grant stopped slinging the knife and blood around. [color=ed1c24][i]The question becomes is that his blood or someone else's. If it's his then he could wear himself out pretty quickly with attacks like that. Otherwise it would be pointless to drag into a war of attrition.[/i][/color] Once again the man didn't take the offense. This didn't bother Maddox too much, as his martial art was built around the offense so he was still in his element. But the man's lack of action was concerning nonetheless. [color=ed1c24][i]He knows something that I don't know he knows. He's a thinker. Plotting something.[/i][/color] A smirk played on Maddox's lips. [color=ed1c24]"Not to sound rude, but I don't know you very well,"[/color] Maddox confessed. [color=ed1c24]"That seems a bit unfair, because you know your opponent and I don't share the luxury."[/color] His banter was meant to be playful, as the handicap he mentioned wasn't groundbreaking nor did it particularly matter. [color=ed1c24]"I guess I'll learn about you during this fight."[/color] Maddox charged forward again, this time stopping just in front of Grant instead of coming at him directly with an attack. Once he stopped he began a series of rapid open-palm strikes, aiming each one for vulnerable areas and pressure points. He was very familiar with the weaknesses of the human body and hoped to exploit them on Grant right now. Grant shrugged as Maddox cplained about not knowing him. [color=Crimson]"I know you only by reputation, Maddox. I'm sure you have something I don't know about, you've already seen all my cards. Especially if you know my sister Melina."[/color] He held up his hands, open, seemingly unbothered by the crimson liquid running down his arm. He overall seemed nonchalant, and he clearly wasn't taking the fight with all the seriousness he should, but he was one of the few cocky bastards that had good reason to be cocky, at least for now. The magic circle he had placed on himself became almost invisible, but was still there for anyone who looked closely enough to see. As Maddox launched into his next flurry off attacks, Grant only bothered redirecting or blocking hits that would be seriously debilitating, the magic circle in his eye never fading. However, every dislocated joint, and possibly any broken bones, would seem to fix itself in moments. Each one inflicting some of it's pain and fatigue back upon the assailant, though only a tiny fraction of what Grant was facing. Grant's smile never faded, however, save the occasional small wince. After a bit of this, Grant would launch an attack of his own, aiming for a palm strike on the front of Maddox's shoulder this time. [color=Crimson]"Link Bodies!"[/color] He did this as Maddox launched one of his own attacks, forcing him to either attempt a quick exit from the attack, or land it and suffer the consequences of whatever blow Grant was attempting. While he doubted the attack would hit, Grant did his best to anticipate Maddox's movements, but his precognition did not extend to offensive maneuvers. He only needed to touch his opponent to trigger the spell.