As if time had stopped, the area around Kusanagi's front door suddenly dropped in temperature. The very metal of her door knob became brick hard and slick with ice and the air seemed to shift around young Tsuyoshi. It was almost as if the surrounding background had grown a mind of its own, but the true origin point was nothing as grand as that. Something wet and clammy latched onto Tsuyoshi's ankles, and the familiarity of fingers held on tightly to keep him from moving. Although it was doubtful that the young boy could move at this point. When one was struck by fear, they usually did the wonders of staying rooted in place. Another hand clasped around the boy's second ankle as two arms seemed to be sprouting out of the darkness. At last, the being that was causing such a phenomenon made itself known as it too rose from the ground, taking the shape of a teenage girl. Her head was gone, leaving behind a stump of a neck in its place, where the torn skin was almost like leather, and the dripping black ooze was akin to fresh blood. Tsuyoshi's eyes widened at first like any normal person; a headless person just rose out of the fricking ground! Tsuyoshi tried to move back but his legs were latched on by hands? Hands!? [color=gray]"What the hell are you!?" [/color] The boy exclaimed. He gripped the hilt of his katana and began pulling it out of its saya. [color=gray]"Let go of me!" [/color] He shouted again, hoping that the sight of the sword would make the being back off. [color=gray]"I mean it! Let go!" [/color] Tsuyoshi said. To no avail, the creature refused to move. Could it be a Youkai? Then it's cuttable. Tsuyoshi fully drew his sword and made a quick diagonal slice. It went right through! The thing didn't even look liked it took a scratch. [color=gray]"What the hell are you?" [/color] he asked, still trying to move back. He looked down to see the pair of arms again that had a firm, chilling grip on his ankle. Tsuyoshi sliced through them, and again, and again, he pretty much repeated the process, refusing to stop. [color=gray]"Let go damn it!" [/color] The ghastly being climbed up onto Tsuyoshi's body now, crawling with its wet hands before it faced the boy with only the dark patch of a torn neck. Moving forward, it let the shadowy whispers that spilled out to encompass the two of them. Only when the air had blackened completely did the creature react and- [color=a36209]"Boo!"[/color] Suddenly, the being had a head again and the full image of a [url=]girl[/url] floated before Tsuyoshi. No doubt it would be quite the jumpscare, given the amount of build up leading to it. With a giggle, the girl moved away from the boy and circled around him, the black wisps trailing after the creature's...lack of a lower body. [color=a36209]"Well? Are you scared yet little one?"[/color] Tsuyoshi tried to look unphased on the outside but inside he was screaming [color=gray] [i]"Holy fuck! What the shit is this!?"[/i] Tsuyoshi wasn't quite sure this was a Youkai but no way was this was a human. [color=gray]"Little one? Compared to what your face looks like, that's rich," [/color] Tsuyoshi said, with a small smirk forming on his face. [color=gray]"So you CAN talk huh? What are you then?" [/color] he questioned, still keeping a firm grip on his sword. [color=a36209]"I'm a ghost. Isn't it obvious? And there's no need to act brave in front of me little one. I've seen even grown men scream out when I prank them,"[/color] the girl said in a matter of fact tone. [color=a36209]"Consider me the security system of this place. Actually, your face looks kind of familiar. You're a Chaser, right? Come here to shop at Dangeki?"[/color] Hmm, if this was a security system, Tsuyoshi might have to be careful about what he says. [color=gray]"Uhm, yeah, I'm a Chaser. But it's a different reason why I'm here. I suppose you could say I'm here to talk to your employer." [/color] [color=a36209]"Oh! You must want to join the Hunter's Association then! Why didn't you say so earlier?"[/color] The irony in that was much too potent for one to consider. Even so, the ghost girl moved forward to grab Tsuyoshi's arm and drag him forward. With a smirk, she fazed both herself and him through the barrier and into the front of the shop. The boy may have felt a disturbing sensation run across his spine at the passing, but that was to be expected when dealing with a ghost. [color=a36209]"Kusanagi, we have someone that wants to join up!"[/color] Moments later, a young looking girl with a long jacket walked up behind her counter, raising an eye both at the ghost and the boy. The place could only be described as an organized mess. Items of all kinds cluttered every corner of the room and it was a wonder in itself how Kusanagi was able to maneuver through all of it. Crossing her arms, she nodded at the ghost before focusing her eyes on Tsyuyoshi. [color=0072bc]"Thanks Sadoko. You can go back to sleep now if you want."[/color] [color=a36209]"Roger boss,"[/color] the ghost replied, giving Tsuyoshi a wink before melting back into the ground and out of sight. That was... an incredibly bizarre experience. Tsuyoshi sheathed his sword while he was scanning the Dangeki Pawn Shop. [color=gray]"So, she's your security guard?"[/color] he asked while he gazed across the room, before realizing that Kusanagi was in front of him, looking a bit ticked off as well. He put his hand on the back of his head. [color=gray]"Hehe, sorry. I'm Tsuyoshi,"[/color] he said with a small chuckle as he introduced himself. [color=gray]"You're... Kusanagi?"[/color] he asked. [color=0072bc]"Yeah, I am. You here to shop, trade, or go home?"[/color] The cloaked girl shifted in her position before suddenly disappearing from Tsuyoshi's sights. In the same moment, she was by his side, looking him over. She noted the sword and that was enough to tell her that this was a Youkai hunter. Meaning, he was either already a Chaser or he wanted to become one. Thinking this over, Kusanagi grinned coyly. [color=0072bc]"Well you're a new face. Unless I met you and just forgot? Heh, that's always a possibility. So you here to join up kid?"[/color] Whoah! No way could she move that fast? Did she wait till he blinked? No way? Right? [color=gray]"Uhm yeah, I want to join the Hunter's Association,"[/color] he stated with a smile. Ever since he heard of it, it's all he wanted to do. [color=0072bc]"Fine. You're in,"[/color] Kusanagi said effortlessly, turning away and heading back to her counter. [color=0072bc]"There's really no paperwork or blood oath you have to sign. At least, as far as I'm concerned. Your real initiation into this club is proving yourself on missions. And missions are located in the back."[/color] With a grin, she pointed to a nearby wall that held a neat assortment of the given missions so far. She was about to say more when someone else entered her shop. The girl gave a small, welcoming wave to Hoshiko, motioning him towards the mission board. [color=0072bc]"They're still coming Hoshiko, but we've got a new recruit, fresh and ready right here."[/color] Tsuyoshi blinked twice as he stood there in astonishment. [color=gray]"Really? Just like that?"[/color] He bowed appreciatively to Kusanagi. [color=gray]"Thank you so much! You won't be disappointed!"[/color] he said, and with that he went over to the assortments of paper. So many... Tsuyoshi turned back around when Kusanagi mentioned a fresh recruit, so he thought she was referring to him. He looked over at the newcomer, who looked like a girl. [color=gray][i]"Looks like she didn't get jumped by that ghost girl. Must be a regular."[/i][/color] he thought. He waved at this... Hoshiko with a warm smile.